The main purpose of National Workshops is to bring scholarly knowledge and expertise on a concrete topic related to Mediterranean Migration national agenda, and promote dialogue with main national stakeholders, policy-makers and politicians.


National Workshops´ Themes and Schedule

Provisional Date Partner Institution Provisional Topic

November  5th, 2020

CEDEM - University of Liege, Belgium

Migration, reception and emerging forms of solidarity in Mediterranean cities.
November 11th, 2020 University of Sousse, Tunisia

Migration policies of North African countries towards third-country citizens.

March 25th, 2021 IGOT - Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Migration in the digital era: exploring new data, practices, and lifestyles
October 27th, 2021 AMERM, Rabat, Morocco New patterns of migration in the Mediterranean: North-South.
March 7th, 2022 URMIS, University of Nice, France Mediterranean migrants:  Media narratives, realities and fake news.

June 2022


MiReKoc - Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey Weak states, state failure and irregular migration: Root causes of irregular flows in the Eastern Mediterranean.


EuroMedMig National Workshop organizer: CEDEM - University of Liege, Belgium

Title: When Western Mediterranean migration Turns into Diasporas: Migration Dynamics, Collective Action and State Responses. 

Date: 5th of November 2020

Time: 14:00 – 17:30 GMT+2

Place: Virtual Live Room of Jobs@Skills.

Event access: Closed (entrance code: 4000)

Download full program: Belgium National Workshop Program

Access recording: Here

Scientific organizers: 

  • Ricard Zapata-Barrero - Director of GRITIM-UPF and Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Network EuMedMi.
  • Hassan Bousetta - Member of the EuroMedMig Steering Committee, FNRS (National Fund for Scientific) Research Associate at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Liège, Belgium.
  • Pascale Felten - Doctoral researcher at the CEDEM, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Liège, Belgium.


EuroMedMig National Workshop organizer: University of Sousse, Tunisia

Title: Migration Policies of North African Countries towards Third Country Citizens

Date: 11th of November 2020

Time: 14:00 – 17:00 (GMT+1:00)

Place: Zoom Webinar

Webinar registration: Closed  - Please note registration is now required!

Download full program: Tunisia National Workshop Program

Access recording: Here

Scientific organizers:

  • Ricard Zapata-Barrero - Director of GRITIM-UPF and Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Network EuMedMi.
  • Hassen Boubakri - Member of the EuroMedMig Steering Committee, Professor of Geography and Migration Studies at the University of Sousse, and Chairman of the Centre of Tunis for Migration and Asylum (CeTuMA), Tunisia.


EuroMedMig National Workshop organizer: University of Lisboa, Portugal.

Title: Migration in the digital era: exploring new data, practices, and lifestyles

Date: 25th of March, 2021

Time: 13:45 - 17:00 (CET)

Place: Online

Webinar registration: Here

Download full program: Portugal National Workshop Program

Access recording: Not yet avilable. 

Scientific organizers:

  • Maria Lucinda Fonseca (IGOT-ULisboa and Member of the EuroMedMig Steering Committee)
  • Franz Buhr (IGOT-ULisboa)
  • Amandine Desille (IGOT-ULisboa)


EuroMedMig National Workshop organizer: AMERM, Rabat, Morocco

Title: New migration patterns in the Mediterranean: North-South

Date: 27th of October 2021

Time: 14h-17h (Casablanca, GTM+1)

Place: Hybrid: Zoom & Faculty of Law, Economic and Social Sciences, Agdal Mohammed V University (Rabat) (Amphi 1).

Webinar registration: here.

Download full program: Morocco National Workshop English Program; French program

Access recording: Here.

Scientific organizer:

  • Boutaina Ismaili Idrissi, Professor of Economics, Mohammed V University Rabat, Member of the scientific committee of AMERM & EUMedMig Steering Committee.

The National Workshop are a working activity that forms part of the EUMedMi, EUMedMi: "Mapping European Mediterranean Migration Studies" (September 2019 - August 2022). Funded by the Erasmus + Jean Monnet Network Program. (Ref: 611260-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPJMO-NETWORK).