Back EuroMedMig organizes an International Symposium on "Mediterranean Cities and Migration Governance" on October 21st, 2022

EuroMedMig organizes an International Symposium on "Mediterranean Cities and Migration Governance" on October 21st, 2022


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EuroMedMig will host next October 21st, 2022 an International Symposium on "Mediterranean Cities and Migration Governance" at Pedralbes Palace, Barcelona. This multilateral meeting is aimed at offering a space of dialogue between the social, political and academic spheres with a common goal: enhance the mutiplicity of Mediterranean voices to better understand how cities can be at the core of Mediterranean migration research and policy debates. 

This Symposium also aims to generate recommendations targeting primarily local governments and urban decision-makers responsible for the manifold aspects and sectors related to the process of migration governance in the Mediterranean region. International organizations involved in Euro-Mediterranean policies will be addressed too.

The Symposium is the concluding activity of the EUMedMi project: "Mapping Mediterranean and European migration studies" (September 2019 - August 2022), funded by the Erasmus program and the Jean Monnet Network (Ref: 611260-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-RESEAU EPPJMO).

Download the program here.

This is a closed-door event; no more invitations are accepted.

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Symposium Office Coordinator: Aida Casanovas i Oliveres, [email protected]