Durant el primer trimestre del curs acadèmic 2018-2019, hi ha programats els cursos de doctorat que es detallen tot seguit. 


Cursos de Doctorat



Impartit pels professors de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra:

  • Dra. Jahel Queralt Lange - Dimarts, 23 d'octubre de 2018 - de 16.30 a 18.30 hores
  • Dr. Antoni Rubí Puig  -  Dimarts, 6 de novembre de 2018 - de 16.30 a 18.30 hores

B) Law and Society in Latin America

Paola Bergallo. 16 novembre - 4 desembre a partir de les 16.30 i fins les 19.00 


The course offers an introduction to the empirical study of law and society in Latin America. For such purpose, the first classes will present an overview of the development of the Law and Society movement in the continent tracing its roots to US Realism and the Latin American critical studies tradition. The course will continue with a survey of canonical socio-legal studies addressing questions such as why people obey the law; what are the challenges posed by legal implementation, compliance and other gap problems; what explains the expansion of judicial power and legal mobilization; or how empirical comparative and transnational legal regimes work. While focusing on these questions the course will provide an introduction to (a) social science research strategies including qualitative, quantitative and comparative approaches, and (b) research methodologies such as surveys, interviews, participant observation, or ethnography. The study of these key socio-legal questions and research methods will be applied to subjects such as access to justice; social rights such as the rights to health, food, and housing; inequalities based on gender, class, and other discrimination categories; environmental justice; and, human rights institutions, indicators, and measurements.