[16/11/2022] Metaphorical Representations of Obesity in Chinese Media (2010-2020), a càrrec de Xiang Huang
[16/11/2022] Metaphorical Representations of Obesity in Chinese Media (2010-2020), a càrrec de Xiang Huang
Metaphorical Representations of Obesity in Chinese Media (2010-2020), a càrrec de Xiang Huang
Dia: dimecres 16 de novembre del 2022
Hora: de 11h a 12h30
Aula: 52.101
In this talk, I am going to present my PhD thesis. I will explain how I investigate the metaphors used to talk about obesity in Chinese media. In detail, in my PhD project, I compare the editorials in the People’s Daily, China’s mainstream official medium and the blogs in Weibo, China’s major social medium, in terms of their quantitative and qualitative metaphor uses around obesity. Based on a corpus of 160,000 Chinese characters (approx.), the thesis identifies three dominant metaphors, i.e., Journey, War and Money. Systematic metaphor analysis of the three metaphors reveals different representations of obesity in different media. The editorials express a collective or nationalistic view of obesity, while the blogs reveal an individual perspective of obesity that emphasizes personal responsibilities. Yet, there are shared neoliberal perspectives across the media, which seem to call for the development of ideal citizenship around the obesity issue in China. In all, this thesis demonstrates the unique media representations of obesity in the Chinese context. In the talk, I will also share some of my experience in academic writing and time management during my PhD.
La ponent:
La Xiang Huang és estudiant de doctorat i aviat defensarà la seva tesi sobre aquest tema. Pensem que pot ser interessant pels estudiants de doctorat veure com s’ha portat a terme aquesta investigació.