Back HackLab Call-2016

HackLab Call-2016



The Teaching Quality and Innovation Support Unit  ESUP/DTIC USQUID  jointly with the rest of UPF USQUIDs and the Library/CRAI and CLIK has promoted the first call focused on actions and proposals to be developed within the UPF HackLab. This first edition, whose deadline was March 10th, is now in the phase of evaluating the 7 proposals submitted by students from different studies/degrees.

The UPF-HackLab is a physical space in Poblenou Library/CRAI fostering self-organized learning, ideas exchange and collaboration around different technical topics, communication and digital arts. A brand which envelops the support to this community in the initiatives that it promotes and its connection with other external initiatives.




SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
