What we do
The Teaching Innovation Areas are structures that support both teaching quality and innovative actions undertaken by teachers in each school and faculty in the UPF, in our case, the Engineering School and the ICT Department.
In general terms, we could define our mission as an effort to monitor and optimise all the activities aiming at innovation in education and other processes that foster the improvement of teaching-learning processes. In each case, we offer tailored support and orientation. Another of our objectives is to design our own mechanisms of quality management, as well as to plan and develop innovative initiatives that maximise the quality of the education offered at the School.
Finally, a push for pedagogical renewal and the promotion of ever-continuing improvement are key elements of our philosophy. For this reason, our functions derive from the interrelation between these activities and others that arise out of the everyday experience at the School and the Department, such as:
- Publish studies on school decisions, accreditation of programmes, etc.
- Foster discussion about teaching quality and innovation in our School and Department.
- Guarantee teaching quality and coordinate, promote, and develop institutional (at our School level) innovation projects funded by the UPF, the Ministry of Education, etc.
- Support teachers in teaching and innovation initiatives, with a particular focus on basic aspects of teaching organization, tools, etc. when it comes to new staff and teaching assistants.
- Mediate joint actions and suggestions with and to the university Centre for Learning Innovation (CLIK), other Innovation Areas, the CRAI/LaFactoria, eLearning, etc.
- Advise students from a pedagogical point of view, particularly regarding the development of transversal skills.
- Coordinate informal learning opportunities for our students (via Hacklab).
- Disseminate information through conferences on teaching innovation and our website.