In accordance with the plan for the management of multilingualism in the classroom, UPF teaching staff must have an active knowledge of at least one of the University’s three working languages (Catalan, Spanish and English), and at least a passive knowledge of the other two.


Decree 128/2010, of 14 September, on the accreditation of the knowledge of language(s) of the teaching staff at universities of the Catalan university system, provides that university professors must accredit a sufficient knowledge of Catalan, both insofar as oral expression and the written language, in accordance with the requirements of their academic duties.

In application of this decree, accreditation has been regulated at UPF by the Normativa relativa a l’acreditació del coneixement suficient del català del professorat (agreement of the Board of Governors of 19 October 2011) and the rector’s resolution of 7 May 2012, which establishes the means to accredit the sufficient knowledge of Catalan by UPF teaching staff and creates the Comissió avaluadora de sol·licituds d’acreditació de coneixement lingüístic del PDI.


UPF teachers who give classes in English can certify an advanced level of this language by attaining the CLUC: Certificate of English as a Medium of Instruction. This exam provides accreditation of training in the provision of university teaching in English.