The Discourse and Translation Studies Research Group understands that the knowledge produced by contemporary societies, whether scientific-technical or cultural, is brought in the form of discourse; that is, language is used as a space of implementation. Nobody, at this time, can imagine the creation of knowledge apart from new information and communication technologies. The possibility of quickly accessing an extraordinary data volume through easily accessible smart terminals implies that knowledge bases should be translatable, either into processing bases or into other languages and semiotic systems. Therefore, it seems likely to establish that creating new knowledge is subject to the condition of translatability and communicability of knowledge and that discourse is generated where knowledge becomes marketable output. (Montse R)
History of the group
The Discourse and Translation Studies Research Group (GEDIT) is the confluence of two previously consolidated research groups: the Discourse Studies Research Group (GED) and the Centre of Discourse and Translation Studies (CEDIT), with a shared trajectory of activities and research interests. In this context, discourse studies are a common approach to analyse varied communicative situations, often defined by multilingualism and multimodality. The GEDIT research group was recognised and consolidated by AGAUR at the 2017 SGR 566 call.
The research lines of the GEDIT are (i) the pragmatic of the speech (contrastive and corpus linguistics applied to social interpretation/mediation); (ii) sociolingüistic studies (multilingualism and diversity); (iii) critical analysis of the speech (multimodality, speech and cultural identities, speech and gender, speech and social transformation); (iv) translation studies of multimodal genres (audiovisual translation); (v) translatological and discursive approaches to specialised legal and economic translation; (vi) stylistics applied to literary translation.
The aim of the GEDIT is to boost and consolidate the group's lines of work in the shape of competitive research projects and activities (seminars, workshops, PhD days) to foster a work and discussion forum, both productive and enriching. The transversality and interdisciplinarity of the group's research lines, revolving around speech as the main axis, offers the possibility to work with diverse methodologies and theoretic frameworks within the linguistic and translatological spheres.
The activities promoted by the group are:
- Work in projects and research, both individual and as a group, with regular meetings thought as spaces for reflection and coordination as well as internal seminaries accessible to university scholars and posgraduate students.
- Training of young researchers at the doctoral program of the Department of Translation and Sciences of the Language.
- Strengthening of the research lines of both discourse and translation studies, focusing on multimodality and multilingualism.