Although the Dante collection is of great value due to its wealth of old editions – especially from the 19th and early 20th century; see the previous section – from the Alòs-Moner collection, it has also been enriched with other contributions, the most significant of which was that made by Professor José María Micó, translator of the Commedia into Spanish (Acantilado, 2018). These additions, of a more academic and specialized nature, come from his personal collection – consisting of some 12,000 volumes – which Micó donated to the Library/CRAI. Currently, the collection thus includes an extensive selection of contemporary translations and reprints of translations from the late 19th and early 20th centuries of the Florentine poet’s work, as well as a collection of scholarly writings on Dante, including several annotated editions of his work (both historical and more contemporary commentaries) and various kinds of essays (especially on literary and linguistic topics, but also in artistic fields such as painting). 

Shown below is a selection of translations of works by Dante from the Pompeu Fabra University Library’s collection, including translations into Catalan, Spanish, French, Portuguese, English, German, Irish, and Hungarian. 

Translations into catalan

Dante Alighieri. La Divina comèdia. Josep Maria de Sagarra (trad.) Barcelona : Quaderns Crema, 2000


Dante Alighieri. Divina comèdia. Joan F. Mira (trad.)  Barcelona : Proa, 2000


Dante Alighieri. Divina comèdia. Andreu Febrer (trad.) Barcelona : Barcino, 1974-1988

Dante Alighieri. De vulgari eloquentia. Pep Gómez Pallarès (trad.) Vic: Eumo: Universitat de Girona: Estudis Universitaris de Vic, 1995


Dante Alighieri. La Vida nova. Manuel de Montoliu (trad.). Barcelona : Barcino, 2021


Translations into Spanish

Dante Alighieri. La Divina Comedia. Patxi Lanceros i  Juan Barja (trad.) Madrid: Abada Editores, 2021.




Dante Alighieri. Comedia. José María Micó (trad.) Barcelona :  Acantilado,  2018


Dante Alighieri. Comedia. Ángel Crespo (trad.) Barcelona : Seix Barral,  2004



Dante Alighieri. La Vida nueva. Julio Martínez Mesanza (trad.) Madrid :  Alianza, 1986


Dante Alighieri. De Vulgari Eloquentia: sobre la elocuencia en lengua vulgar. Raffaele Pinto (trad.) Madrid : Ediciones Cátedra, 2018


Dante Alighieri. El Convite ; Monarquía ; Disputa sobre el agua y la tierra. José Luis Gutiérrez García, Laureano Robles, i Luis Frayle (trad.) Barcelona : Círculo de Lectores, 1995


Translations into German

Dante Alighieri. Das Gastmahl. Constantin Sauter (trad.) München : Winkler, 1965


Dante Alighieri. Die göttliche Komödie. Wilhelm G. Hertz (trad.) München : Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verl, 2003


Dante Alighieri. Monarchia : Lateinisch/Deutsch : Studienausgabe. Ruedi Imbach, i Christoph Flüeler (trad.) Stuttgart : Philipp Reclam Jun., 1989


Translations into French

Dante Alighieri. La Divine Comédie. Jacqueline Risset (trad.) Paris : Garnier-Flammarion, 2010


Dante Alighieri. Le Banquet (Il Convivio). Philippe Guiberteau (trad.) Paris : Le Belles Lettres, 1968



Translations into Hungarian

Dante Alighieri. A Pokol. Babits Mihály (trad.) Budapest : Révai-Kiadás, 1950


Translations into Portuguese

Dante Alighieri. A divina comédia. Marqués Braga (trad.) Lisboa : Livraria Sá da Costa, 1955


Translations into Irish

Dante Alighieri. Coiméide Dhiaga Dante. Pádraig de Brún d'Aistrigh (trad.) Áth Cliath : Mac An Ghoill, 1963


Translations into English

Dante Alighieri. The Divine comedy. Charles S. Singleton (trad.) Princeton :  Princeton University Press, 1970-