Back Webinar "Policies in occupational health and older workers: evidence from Spain and Chile"

Webinar "Policies in occupational health and older workers: evidence from Spain and Chile"

Occupational health webinar next March 22 at 4:00 p.m. titled: "Policies in occupational health and older workers: evidence from Spain and Chile"

Date: March 22, 2021

Time: 4:00 p.m. (Spain) - 09:00 Central America - S, Antonio - Houston / 10:00 Colombia - Ecuador - Panama - Peru - Indianapolis / 11:00 Puerto Rico / 12:00 Chile - Argentina - Barsil - Uruguay

Given by: Cynthia Basualto, Psychologist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Master in occupational health and safety: Prevention of occupational risks from the UPC- UPF- UB

Presents: Nora Gray Gariazzo, PhD Associate Researcher, Gabriela Mistral University and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Organized by: Center for Research in Occupational Health (CISAL) - IMIM - Pompeu Fabra University. PSMar Occupational Health Service












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