Back COST ACTION Researcher Mental Health (ReMO)

COST ACTION Researcher Mental Health (ReMO)

CiSAL-UPF participates in the COST ACTION ReMO, a project that aims to study the mental health and well-being of researchers, these being one of the occupational groups with higher levels of mental disorders


CiSAL-UPF participates in the COST ACTION ReMO, a project that aims to study the mental health and well-being of researchers, these being one of the occupational groups with higher levels of mental disorders. This project has as IP the Dr. Gábor Kismihók, of the National Library of Science and Technology of Germany (TIB for the acronym in German), and will have the participation of different countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel Lithuania , Malta, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Turkey and Spain. Dra. Elena Ronda Pérez, from the University of Alicante and Senior Associate Researcher Ciberesp will participate from Spain.

This project will use a triple approach, developing a framework concept of study and tools that adapt to the academic world; taking a multilevel perspective on possible problems; and using a variety of methods with short feedback periods between theory and practice to evaluate interventions



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

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