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CISAL-UPF joins the DCEXS-UPF Research initiative to combat COVID-19, participating in a project led by the Sant Joan de Déu Foundation for teaching and research, "Costs of the disease caused by SARS- CoV-2 in Spain in 2020 ".



Scientists from the UPF Department of Experimental and Health Sciences (DCEXS) are working on time trial in different ways to combat COVID-19. Our groups in Virology (Juana Díez and Andreas Meyerhans), Immunology (Cristina López and Jose Aramburu), Molecular Physiology (Rubén Vicente), Proteomics (David Andreu), Nanomedicine (Pilar Rivera), Bioinformatics (Baldo Oliva), Translational Synthetic Biology (Marc Güell), Neuropharmacology (Rafael Maldonado) and Occupational Health (Fernando G. Benavides) have ongoing projects for the diagnosis and treatment of Covid-19.


UPF joins the fight against coronavirus. From here you can collaborate with our researchers, research centers and several supportive initiatives that are helping to fight the new COVID-19 coronavirus. Collaborate! Get involved!



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
