Back Publication of a study on Health costs of occupational diseases

Publication of a study on Health costs of occupational diseases

Researchers from CiSAL UPF / IMIM, led by Dr. Consol Serra, have estimated for the first time in Spain, the individualized cost and in an exact way (not through estimates) of the health care received by a series of cases of patients treated in the Hospital del Mar for a occupational diseases not recognized by Social Security.



The average cost is around € 5,000 per patient, and reaches € 15,000 in cancer patients. This care should have been financed by Social Security through the collaborating Mutuality, instead of the National Health System. Therefore, better coordination between the National Health System and Social Security is recommended.

News related:

La Vanguardia: Las enfermedades laborales cuestan más de 5.000 euros por paciente al sistema público según un estudio.

Universitat Pompeu Fabra: Hospital costs estimated of occupational diseases not recognized by the Social Security

Scientific article

Serra C, Valiño-Carrete M, Cots F, Trapero-Bertran M, Benavides FG. Costes sanitarios de las enfermedades profesionales: análisis de una serie de pacientes de un hospital público. Arch Prev Riesgos Labor 2019; 22 (4): 171-175. DOI: 10.12961/aprl.2019.22.04.03



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