Back Blockets (2022-2023)

Blockets (2022-2023)

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Blockets is the first online show ticketing service to implement blockchain technology with a view to streamlining the processes by which artists and the people involved in putting on shows are paid, removing intermediaries, cutting costs and reducing ticket prices through cost savings.

At present, it can take anywhere between three and six months from the time the artists, actors, lighting technicians, etc. take part in a show for them to be paid. The aim of Blockets is to expedite the payment process and improve people’s working conditions through blockchain technology. With this system, tickets will be sold with smart contracts (tokens). This will ensure that everyone receives due payment once the show has finished.

Blockets aspires to become a marketplace for the culture and entertainment industries, as well as improve working conditions; reduce ticket prices, by streamlining the processes and removing intermediaries; and breathe new life into culture industry.

TEAM: Víctor AguadoVíctor Ferrer, Àlex Urrutia

MENTORS: Xavier Salleras, Pepe Zapata


An #In Residence in the Tallers Area project.
