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KEYNEMA (2023-2024)

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KEYNEMA is a suite of intelligent assistants for the management and design of audiovisual creation designed for professionals, students, amateurs, and independent creators. Focusing on efficiency, green digitization, multiversality, and pedagogy. Keynema integrates AI, databases, design, and management tools, allowing all projects to benefit from its software. The apps are interconnectable between individuals and teams and focus on each phase of an audiovisual project. Created with the participation of film and television professionals, it is regularly tested (betas) in academic environments and real commercial projects.

TEAM:  Marc Muixí and Mani Martínez

MENTORS:  Iván L. Gimeno, Sandra Forn, Josep Ma. Quintana, Jorge Caballero.

An #In Residence in the Tallers Area project.
