El Votante Dominicano
"El votante dominicano" is a study of public opinion, attitudes and voting behavior of the citizens of the Dominican Republic for the 2010 congressional elections. This study is based on a panel data survey collected in a pre- and a post-election study via CAPI interviews. The study was part of the project "Apoyo al Proceso de Modernización del Sistema de Partidos Políticos en la Republica Dominicana" (n° 00061534) funded by the Spanish agency AECID in collaboration with the "Observatorio de Opinión Publica y De Comportamiento Político Dominicano (OBSEROP), Escuela de Formación Electoral y del Estado Civil (EFEC)", and the PNUD Dominican Republic.
Below you can find the links to download the Data Protocol, the two questionnaires (pre and post), the dataset, and the final survey report. All documents are in Spanish.
Data Protocol: obserop1_libro_codigos
Cuestionario Pre: OBSEROP RD - Cuestionario pre 2010 v4
Cuestionario Post-: OBSEROP RD - Cuestionario post 2010 FINAL
Informe: Informe Final Encuesta RD 2
Database the Dominican Voter R, SPSS, STATA Version + Do file (STATA)