Back RemixED holds its third transnational meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus

RemixED holds its third transnational meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus




During the first week of June (2023), the European University of Cyprus hosted the third transnational meeting for the RemixED project in Nicosia. Participants from Pompeu Fabra University (Spain), SEK International School Atlántico (Spain), University of Vigo (Spain), Centro de Estudios Dolmen S.L. (Spain), European University of Cyprus (Cyprus), Lykeio Archangelou Apostolos Markos (Cyprus), MLCommunicate (Denmark), and Klasseskolen ( Denmark) joined the multi-day meeting. 

During the meeting, each school partner made a formal presentation reflecting on the experiences of their teachers during the RemixED professional development programme that took place during the 2022-23 school year. The consortium shared lessons learned and worked on improvements to the programme that will also be run in the 2023-24 school year. A prototype of the RemixED community platform was also presented and tested during the meeting and research efforts of the project were advanced. Partners are preparing for the final year of the project that will also involve public symposiums for teachers being held in Vigo, Barcelona, Cyprus, and Hillerød.

RemixED (2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000032801) is a 30-month project within the framework of the European call 2021 Erasmus+ for the promotion of projects in education, training, youth, and sports, coordinated by the research group on Interactive and Distributed Technologies for Education (TIDE) of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies of the Pompeu Fabra University. Together with the SEK International School Atlántico, the University of Vigo, the Centro de Estudios Dolmen S.L. of Barcelona, the European University of Cyprus (Nicosia, Cyprus), the Lykeio Archangelou Apostolos Markos (Nicosia, Cyprus), MLCommunicate (Copenhagen, Denmark) and the Klasseskolen (Hillerød, Denmark) participate in this project. 

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