Olga Esteve Ruescas has been a tenured lecturer at the Faculty of Translation and Language Sciences of the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona until April 2017. She previously worked as a teacher of German as an additional language at the Escola Oficial d’Idiomes in Barcelona. She holds a PhD in Additional Language Didactics and Pedagogy.
Two are her main areas of research: Additional Language Learning and Teaching from a sociocultural perspective and Language Teacher Development, also from a sociocultural perspective. Her main goal is to close the gap between practice, theory/research and teacher education. For this reason she has been involved in a number of national and international research and development projects oriented to promote and analyze transformative processes in teaching additional languages in school settings. Currently, she is assisting primary schools, highschools and schools for adult education in re-orienting their teaching practices. This regarding, she promotes (language) teachers' professional development through communities of practice and communities of teachers-researchers (teachersresearchers.wordpress.com).
She has published in the field of language teaching and language teacher development from a sociocultural perspective in four languages: Catalan, Spanish, English and German.
Departament de Traducció i ciències del Llenguatge
Edifici Roc Boronat (campus del Poblenou)
Roc Boronat, 138
08018 Barcelona
+34 93 542 1250