Back Roser Batlle participates in the event «8M: Música i tecnologia a les grades»

Roser Batlle participates in the event «8M: Música i tecnologia a les grades»

This event on music and digital feminism, will take place at Canòdrom (Barcelona) on Friday, March 1st, 2024


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Under the motto “Powerrr for the female artists”, «8M: Música i tecnologia a les grades» is the fourth edition of an event organized by Canòdrom Ateneu d’Innovació Digital i Democràtica and Digitalfems, and focuses on emphasizing the role of women and non-binary identities in music and artificial intelligence.

In this new edition of the 8M celebration at the Canòdrom we meet artists who are creating and experimenting with musical artificial intelligence technology in its most positive aspect. But also what is being done to protect the creators of this technology that feeds on all human creation. An afternoon with debates, concerts and moments of open participation in which we break down barriers and prove that creating music with artificial intelligence is within everyone’s reach.

Roser Batlle, researcher at the MTG, will be one of the facilitators of the «Music AI Prompt Battle» (5 PM – registration needed), a competition for generating the most surprising song using AI.
At 7:30 PM, Roser will also be part of a panel on digitalization of music and AI. This panel brings together female voices to explain their views on the digitization of music and the fundamental role that artificial intelligence is playing. How are they using this technology? What opportunities have been found? What are the rights of music artists in relation to a technology that feeds on their creations?

Roser Batlle is currently carrying on her PhD in the field of transparency and ethics of music generative artificial intelligence, in the context of the project TRAMUCA.

More information «8M: Música i tecnologia a les grades»:



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