Laboratory of Molecular Physiology
Cell and Molecular Biology Program
Department of Medicine and Life Sciences
PRBB building (Mar campus)
Doctor Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona
(+34) 93 316 08 54
“Anyone studying technology transfer understands just how complicated it can be. First, putting a boundary on ‘‘the technology’’ is not so easy. Second, outlining the technology transfer process is virtually impossible because there are so many concurrent processes. Third, measuring the impacts of transferred technology challenges scholars and evaluators, requiring them to reach deep down into their research technique kit bag. Why? The impacts are usually numerous and they are almost always difficult to separate from other parts of organizational life” (Bozeman, 2000).”
We hope for a wide-ranging implication of our basic science, inspiring genetic predictors of asthma; and the molecular mechanisms, beyond the genome fingerprint, involved in brain metastasis of distant cancers. This will allow the early detection of susceptible subjects enabling prevention and tailored treatment.
Patent 1. José M. Fernández-Fernández, Marta Tomás, Esther Vázquez, Mariano Sentí, Jaume Marrugat y Miguel A. Valverde
Title: Método y kit para la detección del riesgo de padecer hipertensión arterial
Registration: P200400883
Institution: Pompeu Fabra University.
Date: 29th March 2004.
One of the SNPs we identified associated to hypertension has been included in a DNA-chip for cardiovascular risk.
Patent 2. Francisco J Muñóz, Gerard ILL-Raga y Miguel A. Valverde.
Title: 3-Nitrotyrosinated fibrinogen as a diagnostic marker in ischemic stroke and uses thereof
Registration: P201290032
Institution: Pompeu Fabra University
Date: November 2009
White Paper On Cardiovascular Disease In Catalunya
Dr. Valverde has participated in the generation of the White Paper On Cardiovascular Disease In Catalunya
Grifols. Study of the protective role of a Grifols compound in Alzheimer.
Duration: 2008-2011.
Participant: Universitat Pompeu Fabra
PI: Francisco Muñoz, co-aplicant: Miguel A. Valverde.
Almirall SA. CN09512. Study of the effect of Almirall drugs on the activity of TRPM4 channel.
Duration: Jan-May 2013.
Participant: Universitat Pompeu Fabra
PI: Miguel A. Valverde
LACER SA. Study of the effect of LACER drugs on the activity of Maxi K channel
Participants. UPF, Barcelona
Duration: Sep 2000 - Ago 2001
PI: Dr. M.A. Valverde