Increasing LPWAN scalability by means of concurrent multiband IoT technologies: An industry 4.0 use case
T Adame, A Bel, B Bellalta, IEEE Access 7, 46990 - 47010
April 2019
An Energy Consumption Model for IEEE 802.11 ah WLANs
A Bel, T Adame, B Bellalta, Ad Hoc Networks 72, 14-26
April 2018
Learning optimal routing for the uplink in LPWANs using similarity-enhanced e-greedy
S Barrachina-Muñoz, B Bellalta, PIMRC 2017
February 2018
HARE: Supporting efficient uplink multi-hop communications in self-organizing LPWANs
T Adame Vázquez, S Barrachina-Muñoz, B Bellalta, A Bel, Sensors 18 (1), 115
January 2018
CUIDATS: An RFID–WSN hybrid monitoring system for smart health care environments
T Adame, A Bel, A Carreras, J Melià-Seguí, M Oliver, R Pous, Future Generation Computer Systems 78, 602-615
January 2018
Multi-hop communication in the uplink for LPWANs
S Barrachina-Muñoz, B Bellalta, T Adame, A Bel, Computer Networks 123, 153-168
August 2017
IEEE 802.11 ah: the WiFi approach for M2M communications
T Adame, A Bel, B Bellalta, J Barcelo, M Oliver, IEEE Wireless Communications 21 (6), 144-152
December 2014
CAS-based channel access protocol for IEEE 802.11 ah WLANs
A Bel, T Adame, B Bellalta, J Barcelo, J Gonzalez, M Oliver, European Wireless 2014; 20th European Wireless Conference; Proceedings of, 1-6
June 2014
Capacity analysis of IEEE 802.11 ah WLANs for M2M communications
T Adame, A Bel, B Bellalta, J Barceló, J Gonzalez, M Oliver, International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications, 139-155
December 2013