Articles i documents sobre el gènere en la recerca
Aymerich, Marta. (23 juliol 2016). Tisorada al sexisme acadèmic. Diari Ara. Som conscients del sexisme acadèmic? Pensem-hi un moment. I és que a tot Europa patim l’efecte del gràfic tisora.
Buitendijk, Simone & Maes, Katrien. (September 2015). Gendered research and innovation: Integrating sex and gender analysis into the research process. The LERU (2012) paper, Women, research and universities: excellence without gender bias, examined four wellknown, data-driven factors that contribute to gender inequality in European universities, and which present challenges to LERU and research-intensive universities around the world.
Geli i Fàbrega, Marina et al. (2009). Breaking the Glass Ceiling. Proposals to adjust the Role of Women in Sience (Institute for Research in Biomedicine - IRB Barcelona). Science and innovation constantly require new ideas and the best ones unquestionably emerge in a diverse environment. That is why today more than ever we need to ensure that women’s talent is involved in this process.
Gibney, Elizabeth. (29 February 2016). Women under-represented in world’s science academies. Nature. Fewer than half of academies have policies in place to boost gender equality in membership.
Guo, Jeff. (13 November 2015). Why men get all the credit when they work with women. The Washington Post. When Princeton professor Angus Deaton co-authored a buzzed-about report this month on dying middle-aged whites, many journalists munged the order of the names. They mentioned Deaton first, as if it were mainly his paper, and not an equal collaboration with his wife.
Instituto de la Mujer. (2001). La otra mitad de la ciencia. (29 octubre 2016) La Exposición La otra mitad de la ciencia reconoce la autoría y la autoridad de diversas mujeres a través de sus aportaciones a la ciencia y a la técnica y restablece una genealogía femenina, negada a menudo por concepciones de la vida y del conocimiento que desatienden la dimensión social de los avances.
Konkiel, Stacy. (7 June 2016). Research Evaluation’s Gender Problem – and Some Suggestions for Fixing It. Digital science. Research evaluation in the sciences has a gender problem: it’s mostly based on indicators and practices that reflect an unconscious bias against women. The literature suggests that education, support, and the use of context-aware metrics may help mitigate the gender gap, in both the short and long term.
Lake, David. (4 October 2013). Gender bias in professional networks and citations. Monkey Cage - The Washington Post. The gender gap in citations in international relations identified by Daniel Maliniak, Ryan M. Powers, and Barbara F. Walter is real and, frankly, puzzling on at least two levels. Let me try to illustrate the problem, and speculate on the cause, mostly via anecdote and with a few references to the available literature on academic networking.
Prescod - Winstein, Chanda. (22 February 2016). (Academic) Housework: The Engine of Science (& Society). Medium. We don’t talk about that. We don’t talk about the women at home making those Nobel Prizes and experiments and theories possible. The mothers and wives who kept sheets and clothing clean and did all the kid-related things so that their husbands could focus. They are not paid for this work.
Richman, Phyllis. (9 June 2013). Answering Harvard’s question about my personal life, 52 years later. The Washington Post. In 1961, Phyllis Richman applied to graduate school at Harvard. She received a letter asking how she would balance a career in city planning with her “responsibilities” to her husband and possible future family. Fifty-two years later, she responds.
Risse, Leonora., Robertson, Nichola & Farrell, Lisa. (2016). Newsletter Issue 2, 2016. Women and Research. In this issue we hear from Dr Leonora Risse, RMIT University, about grit and determination. Next we hear from Dr Nichola Robertson, Deakin University, on the subject of balance and her experiences returning from her second maternity leave. Our issue is completed with a thought provoking piece from Professor Lisa Farrell, RMIT University.
Serio, Tricia. (26 April 2016). Speak up about subtle sexism in science. Nature. Female scientists face everyday, often-unintentional microaggression in the workplace, and it won't stop unless we talk about it.
Sheltzer, Jason M. & Smith, Joan C. (15 July 2014). Elite male faculty in the life sciences employ fewer women. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Abstract: Despite efforts to recruit and retain more women, a stark gender disparity persists within academic science. Abundant research has demonstrated gender bias in many demographic groups, but has yet to experimentally investigate whether science faculty exhibit a bias against female students that could contribute to the gender disparity in academic science. In a randomized double-blind study (n = 127), science faculty from research-intensive universities rated the application materials of a student—who was randomly assigned either a male or female name—for a laboratory manager position.
Vendrell, Montserrat. (5 agost 2016). Científica i dona: dues tasses. Diari Ara. En ciència les dones paguen un preu més alt que els homes per triomfar.
Verge, Tània. (11 octubre 2016). El sexisme que no se’n va de l’acadèmia. Diari Ara. Nombrosos estudis han identificat diferents formes de discriminació, sobretot indirecta, que pateixen les dones, i han posat de manifest el sexisme que no se’n va de l’acadèmia.
Vettese, Troy (Spring 2019). Sexism in the Academy. Women's narrowing path to tenure. n+1 Magazine.
Wolfinger, Nicholas. (29 July 2013). For Female Scientists, There's No Good Time to Have Children. The Atlantic. That's why so many drop out of the field. Here's how to make the system more fair for women in academia.
Yurkiewicz, Ilana. (23 September 2012). Study shows gender bias in science is real. Here’s why it matters. Scientific American. Whenever the subject of women in science comes up, there are people fiercely committed to the idea that sexism does not exist. They will point to everything and anything else to explain differences while becoming angry and condescending if you even suggest that discrimination could be a factor. But these people are wrong. This data shows they are wrong.