Back AdMiRe: the new Horizon 2020 project that GTI is involved in

AdMiRe: the new Horizon 2020 project that GTI is involved in

AdMiRe is a project that provides Mixed reality solutions for enhanced TV viewer engagement and more appealing content, in which the teams of Josep Blat and Marcelo Bertalmío, members of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies, will participate.




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The AdMiRe Project is an European Project financed by the Horizon 2020 EU Programme in which the GTI will participate in. The project objective is to provide solutions based on Mixed Reality (MR) technologies that will enable audiences at home to be incorporated into the live TV Program they are watching and to interact with people in the TV studio. The project has just held its kickoff meeting this September 9th in a videoconference format from Brainstorm (Valencia), the project coordinator.

The main innovation that Admire offer is to “use a mobile phone to capture the viewer, extract it from the background, and finally introduce the viewer in the studio images as a mixed reality object”, explain Josep Blat and Marcelo Bertalmío, members of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies (DTIC) and project researchers.

The UPF is involved in four tasks. The BRA group is the one in charge of the first two deliveries that target the design of the architecture, the information flow, the implementation of the streaming system, and the functionality to obtain the captures of the mobile sensors. The GTI has the responsibility of the last two deliverables, that are focused on the creation of the capture assistant (called Capture Wizard Module) and the development of the app that will blend all the functionalities developed by the other groups.

You can follow the project using the following links:

Twitter: @AdRe3d



Sitio web de AdMiRe: