Invited Keynotes

  • Plenary Keynote on “Towards Wi-Fi 8: From Extremely High Throughput to Ultra High Reliability”, IEEE CommNet, Rabat, Morocco, Dec. 2023.

  • Plenary Keynote on “Towards Wi-Fi 8: From Extremely High Throughput to Ultra High Reliability”, IEEE ComNet, Hammamet, Tunisia, Nov. 2023.

  • Plenary Keynote on “What Will It Take for Wireless Communications to Conquer the Sky?”, IEEE GPECOM, Cappadocia, Turkey, June 2023.

  • Workshop Keynote on “Integrating Terrestrial and Non-terrestrial Networks: 3D Opportunities and Challenges”, IEEE VTC Fall, Virtual, Sep. 2022.

  • Spotlight Talk on “Aerial and Spaceborne Communications: The Journey from 5G to 6G”, IEEE Globecom, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 2021. Jointly with A. Garcia-Rodriguez (Huawei Technologies).

  • Workshop Keynote on “Drone cellular communications: From theory to real networks,” ACM MobiSys DroNet, Virtual, June 2020.

  • Workshop Keynote “On the suitability of cellular communications for unmanned aerial vehicles,” IEEE PIMRC, Bologna, Italy, Sept. 2018.


Invited Panels

  • Next-generation technology trends”, Huawei Future of Wireless Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2024.

  • “Networld Europe and CCSA: MWC 2024 Workshop on Enablement for Connected Vehicles”, Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 2024.

  • “Industry Fireside Chat: Meet and Network with the Industry Leaders”, IEEE Globecom, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023.

  • “Toward 6G”, IEEE ComNet, Hammamet, Tunisia, Nov. 2023.

  • “Non-terrestrial networks for global sustainable connectivity”, IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, May 2023.

  • “Thoughtful discussion: The age of Wireless proliferation”, Connecting the World from the Skies Forum, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Nov. 2022.

  • “The long journey through PhD to research and academia”, IEEE ICC Young Professionals Track, Seoul, Korea, May 2022.

  • “Experiences after PhD: Career paths in academia, industry and social organisations,” Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain, Mar. 2021.

  • “Exploring exciting career paths for young engineers and scientists”, IEEE ICC Young Engineer & Scientist Education Track, Kansas City MO, USA, May 2018.


Invited Industry Presentations

  • “Large-scale Cellular Network Design via Data-driven Optimization and Transfer Learning”, Invited Talk, 6G Virtual Forum, Oct. 2024.

  • “Model-based and data-driven cell optimization for 3D coverage and capacity”, Invited Talk, Huawei Future of Wireless Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2024.

  • “Wi-Fi in 2030”, Invited Talk, Telefonica Discovery Session, Spain, Mar. 2024.

  • “Towards 3D connectivity: Optimizing cellular networks for UAV corridors”, Invited Talk, MWC 2024 Workshop on Enablement for Connected Vehicles”, Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 2024.

  • “What Will It Take for Wireless Communications to Conquer the Sky?”, Invited Seminar, Ericsson Research, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2023.

  • “Integrating Terrestrial and Non-terrestrial Networks: 3D Opportunities and Challenges”, Invited Tutorial, Saudi Communications, Space & Technology Commission, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Nov. 2022.

  • “IEEE 802.11be: Wi-Fi Strikes Again”, Invited Online Seminar, Toshiba Research Europe, Bristol, UK, July 2022.

  • “Non-terrestrial networks: The 3D wireless (r)evolution,” Invited Online Disruptive Technology Seminar, Huawei Research Centre, Paris, France, Dec. 2021.

  • “A Primer on Wi-Fi 7: Objectives, Standardization, and Research”, IEEE Globecom 2021 Industry Presentation, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 2021.

  • “IEEE 802.11be: (Not only) Extremely High Throughput,” Invited Online Lecture, Department of Emerging Technology, Ofcom (UK’s communications regulator), UK, Nov. 2021.

  • “From 5G to 6G UAV cellular communications,” Invited Online Seminar, SINTEF Digital, Norway, May 2021.

  • “Next-generation Wi-Fi: Towards Extremely High Throughput with 802.11be”, IEEE ICC 2020 Industry Presentation, Virtual, June 2020.

  • “Next-generation Wi-Fi: Extreme High Throughput and Real Time Applications”, IEEE ICC 2019 Industry Presentation, Shanghai, China, May 2019.


Conference Tutorials

  • IEEE Globecom 2023 Tutorial on “What Will Wi-Fi 8 Be? A Primer on IEEE 802.11bn Ultra High Reliability”, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023. Co-organized with L. Galati Giordano (Nokia Bell Labs), B. Bellalta (UPF, Spain), and F. Wilhelmi (Nokia Bell Labs).

  • IEEE PIMRC 2023 Tutorial on “What Will Wi-Fi 8 Be? A Primer on IEEE 802.11bn Ultra High Reliability”, Toronto, Canada, Sept. 2023. Co-organized with L. Galati Giordano (Nokia Bell Labs), B. Bellalta (UPF, Spain), and F. Wilhelmi (Nokia Bell Labs).

  • IEEE VTC Spring 2023 Tutorial on “Integrating Terrestrial and Non-terrestrial Networks: 3D Opportunities and Challenges”, Florence, Italy, June 2023.

  • IEEE ICC 2023 Tutorial on “Towards Wi-Fi 8: From Extremely High Throughput to Ultra High Reliability”, Rome, Italy, May 2023. Co-organized with L. Galati Giordano (Nokia Bell Labs) and B. Bellalta (UPF, Spain).

  • IEEE WCNC 2023 Tutorial on “Towards Wi-Fi 8: From Extremely High Throughput to Ultra High Reliability”, Glasgow, UK, Mar. 2023. Co-organized with L. Galati Giordano (Nokia Bell Labs) and B. Bellalta (UPF, Spain).

  • IEEE CCNC 2023 Tutorial on “IEEE 802.11be and Beyond: All You Need to Know about Next-generation Wi-Fi”, Las Vegas NV, USA, Jan. 2023. Co-organized with L. Galati Giordano (Nokia Bell Labs) and B. Bellalta (UPF, Spain).

  • IEEE Globecom 2022 Tutorial on “IEEE 802.11be and Beyond: All You Need to Know about Next-generation Wi-Fi”, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dec. 2022. Co-organized with L. Galati Giordano (Nokia Bell Labs) and B. Bellalta (UPF, Spain).

  • IEEE PIMRC 2022 Tutorial on “3D Wireless Networks: Connecting the Dots between Ground, Air, and Space”, Virtual, Sep. 2022.

  • IEEE PIMRC 2022 Tutorial on “IEEE 802.11be and Beyond: All You Need to Know about Next-generation Wi-Fi”, Virtual, Sep. 2022. Co-organized with L. Galati Giordano (Nokia Bell Labs) and B. Bellalta (UPF, Spain).

  • IEEE/CIC ICCC 2022 Tutorial on “A Primer on Non-terrestrial Networks: Connecting the Dots between Ground, Air, and Space”, Foshan City, China, Aug. 2022. Co-organized with A. Garcia-Rodriguez (Ericsson R&D).

  • IEEE VTC Spring 2022 Tutorial on “3D Wireless Networks: Connecting the Dots between Ground, Air, and Space”, Helsinki, Finland, June 2022. Co-organized with A. Garcia-Rodriguez (Ericsson R&D).

  • IEEE ICC 2022 Tutorial on “A Primer on Integrating Terrestrial and Non-terrestrial Networks”, Seoul, South Korea, May 2022. Co-organized with A. Garcia-Rodriguez (Ericsson R&D), M. Kishk (Maynooth Univ., Ireland), and M.-S. Alouini (KAUST, Saudi Arabia).

  • IEEE WCNC 2022 Tutorial on “The Future of Non-terrestrial Mobile Networks: Integrating Ground, Air, and Space”, Austin TX, USA, Apr. 2022. Co-organized with A. Garcia-Rodriguez (Ericsson R&D).

  • IEEE Globecom 2021 Tutorial on “On the Way to 6G UAV and Satellite Communications”, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 2021. Co-organized with A. Garcia-Rodriguez (Huawei Technologies) and M. Zeeshan Shakir (Univ. West Scotland, UK).

  • IEEE SPAWC 2021 Tutorial on “Cellular UAV and Satellite Communications”, Virtual, Sep. 2021. Co-organized with A. Garcia-Rodriguez (Huawei Technologies).

  • IEEE PIMRC 2021 Tutorial on “Towards 6G UAV and Satellite Communications”, Virtual, Sep. 2021. Co-organized with A. Garcia-Rodriguez (Huawei Technologies).

  • IEEE ICC 2021 Tutorial on “The Future of Drone Cellular Communications”, Virtual, June 2021. Co-organized with A. Garcia-Rodriguez (Huawei Technologies).

  • IEEE BlackSeaCom 2021 Tutorial on “What Will Wi-Fi 7 Be?”, Virtual, May 2021. Co-organized with L. Galati Giordano (Nokia Bell Labs) and B. Bellalta (UPF, Spain).

  • IEEE VTC Spring 2021 Tutorial on “The Future of Drone Cellular Communications”, Virtual, Apr. 2021. Co-organized with A. Garcia-Rodriguez (Huawei Technologies).

  • IEEE Globecom 2020 Tutorial on “Introducing IEEE 802.11be – the Wi-Fi of the Future”, Virtual, Dec. 2020. Co-organized with L. Galati Giordano (Nokia Bell Labs) and B. Bellalta (UPF, Spain).

  • IEEE VTC Spring 2020 Tutorial on “Drone Cellular Communications: From Theory to Real Networks”, Virtual, May 2020. Co-organized with A. Garcia-Rodriguez (Nokia Bell Labs), M. M. Azari (KU Leuven, Belgium), and L. Galati Giordano (Nokia Bell Labs).

  • IEEE PIMRC 2019 Tutorial on “How to Prepare the Ground for Drone Communications”, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 2019. Co-organized with A. Garcia-Rodriguez (Nokia Bell Labs), M. M. Azari (KU Leuven, Belgium), and L. Galati Giordano (Nokia Bell Labs).

  • IEEE Globecom 2018 Tutorial on “UAV Cellular Communications: Practical Insights and Future Vision”, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018. Co-organized with A. Garcia-Rodriguez (Nokia Bell Labs), M. Ding (Data61, Australia), and M. Hassan (UNSW, Australia).

  • IEEE ICC 2018 Tutorial on “Unlicensed Spectrum Technologies: From Wi-Fi to 5G and Beyond”, Kansas City MO, USA, May 2018. Co-organized with A. Garcia-Rodriguez (Nokia Bell Labs).

  • IEEE WCNC 2018 Tutorial on “Unlicensed Spectrum Technologies: From Wi-Fi to 5G and Beyond”, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2018. Co-organized with A. Garcia-Rodriguez (Nokia Bell Labs)


Invited Lectures

  • “Wi-Fi in 2030”, Invited Lecture, University of Trento, Italy, Nov. 2024.

  • “Model-based and data-driven cell optimization for 3D coverage and capacity”, Invited Talk, Chongqing University, China, July 2024.

  • “Model-based and data-driven cell optimization for 3D coverage and capacity”, Early Achievement Awardee Talk, IEEE Communications Theory Workshop, Banff, Canada, May 2024.

  • “Model-based and data-driven cell optimization for 3D coverage and capacity”, Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory, Sharif University of Technology, Iran, May 2024.

  • “Wi-Fi in 2030”, Invited Talk, Chongqing University, China, Dec. 2023.

  • “What Will It Take for Wireless Communications to Conquer the Sky?”, Invited Talk, 6G Wireless Foundations Forum, Sophia Antipolis, France, July 2023.

  • “What Will It Take for Wireless Communications to Conquer the Sky?”, IEEE VTS Distinguished Lectures at Linkoping University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers University, and Lund University, Sweden, May 2023.

  • “Integrating Terrestrial and Non-terrestrial Networks: 3D Opportunities and Challenges”, Virtual Distinguished Lecture, IEEE VTS Madras Chapter, India, Dec. 2022.

  • “On the Way to Wi-Fi 8: From Extremely High Throughput to Ultra High Reliability”, Distinguished Lecture, IEEE ComSoc Rio de Janeiro Chapter, Brazil, Dec. 2022.

  • “Integrating Terrestrial and Non-terrestrial Networks: 3D Opportunities and Challenges”, Invited Seminar, Faculty of Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, Nov. 2022.

  • “IEEE 802.11be: Wi-Fi Strikes Again”, Virtual Distinguished Lecture, IEEE ComSoc Mexico (Morelos) and Peru Chapters, June 2022.

  • “A one-hour introduction to non-terrestrial networks”, Invited Online Lecture, H2020 TeamUp5G Training on Standardization, June 2022.

  • “Non-terrestrial networks: Connecting the dots between ground, air, and space”, Virtual Distinguished Lecture, IEEE VTS Australia (NSW and Victoria) and New Zealand Chapters, June 2022.

  • “Aerial Communications for Future Wireless Communications”, Invited Tutorial, Labex DigiCosme Spring School, Universit´e Paris-Saclay, France, Apr. 2022.

  • “Non-terrestrial networks: Connecting the dots between ground, air, and space”, Invited Online Seminar, IEEE ComSoc Aerial Communications Emerging Technology Initiative, Mar. 2022.

  • “Non-terrestrial networks: Connecting the dots between ground, air, and space”, Invited Online Seminar, IEEE ComSoc Communications Systems Integration and Modeling Technical Committee, Jan. 2022.

  • “IEEE 802.11be: (Almost) All you need to know about next-generation Wi-Fi,” Invited Online Lecture, H2020 TeamUp5G Training on Standardization, Oct. 2021.

  • “A Primer on Wi-Fi 7: Objectives, standardization, and research,” Virtual Distinguished Lecture, IEEE ComSoc Ecuador Chapter & IEEE ComSoc Seattle Joint Chapter, Oct. 2021.

  • “Aerial and spaceborne communications: The journey from 5G to 6G,” Invited Online Tutorial, National Conference on Communications, IIT Kanpur, India, July 2021.

  • “The future of UAV cellular communications: A journey from 5G to 6G,” Virtual Distinguished Lecture, IEEE ComSoc Seattle Chapter, June 2021.

  • “The future of UAV cellular communications,” Virtual Distinguished Lecture, IEEE ComSoc Ecuador Chapter, May 2021.

  • “IEEE 802.11be: Wi-Fi Strikes Again,” Virtual Distinguished Lecture, IEEE ComSoc Costa Rica Chapter, May 2021.

  • “What’s the story with UAV cellular communications?” Virtual Distinguished Lecture, IEEE ComSoc Central Texas Joint Chapter, May 2021.

  • “IEEE 802.11be: Wi-Fi strikes again,” Virtual Distinguished Lecture, IEEE ComSoc Santa Clara Valley Chapter, USA, Mar. 2021.

  • “What’s the story with UAV cellular communications?”, Invited Online Seminar, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Young Professionals, Feb. 2021.

  • “IEEE 802.11be: Wi-Fi strikes again,” Virtual Distinguished Lecture, IEEE ComSoc Sri Lanka Chapter, Jan. 2021.

  • “What’s the story with UAV cellular communications?”, Invited Online Lecture, Faculty of Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, Dec. 2020.

  • “What’s the story with UAV cellular communications?”, Invited Online Lecture, Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, University of Luxembourg, Dec. 2020.

  • “Parità di genere in accademia, in azienda e in giro per il mondo,” Invited Talk, Liceo Ugo Foscolo, Canicattì, Italy, Dec. 2020.

  • “Why are you doing a Ph.D.?”, Invited Talk, Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain, Jan. 2020.

  • “Cellular UAV-to-UAV communications”, Invited Lecture, 5G International PhD School, Rome, Italy, Dec. 2019.

  • “How to prepare the ground for drone communications,” Invited Lecture, KU Leuven, Belgium, July 2019.

  • “How to prepare the ground for drone communications,” Invited Lecture, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China, May 2019.

  • “How to prepare the ground for drone communications”, Invited Lecture, 5G International PhD School, Rome, Italy, Dec. 2018.

  • “An ’unlicensed’ marriage for massive MIMO”, Invited Lecture, 5G International PhD School, Rome, Italy, Dec. 2018.

  • “Massive MIMO unlicensed – A new approach to dynamic spectrum access,” Invited Lecture, Wireless Networks and Decision Systems Group, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, June 2017.

  • “Massive MIMO unlicensed – A new approach to dynamic spectrum access,” Invited Lecture, School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, June 2017.

  • “Massive MIMO unlicensed: Enhanced coexistence and spatial reuse,” Invited Lecture, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Universit`a di Palermo, Italy, Feb. 2017.

  • “Massive MIMO unlicensed: Enhanced coexistence and spatial reuse,” Invited Lecture, Institute of Electronics, Communications, and Information Technology, Queen’s University Belfast, UK, Nov. 2016.

  • “Massive MIMO: More than more antennas,” Invited Talk, Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications, Livorno, Italy, Sept. 2016.

  • “Towards 5G communications: Five research directions for the next five years,” Invited Talk, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, Oct. 2015.

  • “Towards 5G communications: Five research directions for the next five years,” Invited Talk, School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, Oct. 2015.

  • “Secrecy sum-rates for multi-user MIMO linear precoding,” Invited Talk, École Supérieure d’Electricité, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Sept. 2012.

  • “Secrecy sum-rates for multi-user MIMO linear precoding,” Invited Talk, Australian Communication Theory Workshop, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, Jan. 2012.