Awards & Grants
Awards & Recognitions
IEEE Communications Theory Technical Committee Early Achievement Award, 2023
“For outstanding contributions to UAV communications and Wi-Fi and their dissemination” -
IEEE Globecom Best Paper Award, 2022 (∼2,800 submitted, ∼1,100 accepted, 16 awarded)
IEEE Future Networks, Non-terrestrial Networks for B5G and 6G, Runner-Up Award, 2022
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Distinguished Lecturer, 2021–present
IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer, 2021–2023
“Ramón y Cajal” Fellow, 2021–2023 (one of the most competitive early-career grants in Spain)
IEEE PIMRC Best Paper Award, 2019 (536 submitted, 268 accepted, 4 awarded)
IEEE Senior Member Elevation, 2019
IEEE Communications Society EMEA Outstanding Young Researcher Award, 2018
(Given to the top-3 researchers under 35 across Europe, Middle East, and Africa for “promising research activities for the benefity of the society”.) -
“la Caixa” Junior Leader Fellow, 2018–2021 (< 10% success rate)
Exemplary Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2017 and 2018
Nokia Bell Labs Ireland Certificate of Outstanding Achievement, 2017 (for “thought leadership”)
Runner-up in IEEE Australia Council Student Paper Contest, 2013
Postdoctoral Writing Fellowship, UNSW, 2013
Research Grant to visit UT Austin, CSIRO, 2013
Practicum Exchange Program Scholarship to visit UT Austin, UNSW, 2013
Best Poster Award, IEEE Technologies of the Future NSW, Australia, 2011
Travel Grant to attend ISWCS conference in Germany, UNSW, 2011
Ph.D. top-up scholarship, CSIRO ICT, 2010–2013
International Postgraduate Research Scholarship, Australian Government, 2010–2013
Best M.Sc. Thesis Award from Milan Academy of Sciences and Arts, Italy, 2009
Exchange Scholarship to UNSW Sydney, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 2008
Special mention for an outstanding B.Sc. career (highest GPA), Università di Palermo, Italy, 2005
Industry R&D Projects
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2024-STREAM-B-01-05 project “6G-MIRAI” on “Machine Intelligence based Radio Access Infrastructure” (Telefónica, 2025-2028).
HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER-02 project “ANTENNAE” on “Data driven cost effective 5G integrated CSN as a service” (Telefónica, 2024–2026).
Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and the European Union NextGenerationEU, UNICO I+D Project TSI-063000-2021-59 “RISC-6G” on “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces and Low-power Technologies for Communication and Sensing in 6G Mobile Networks” (Telefónica, 2022–2024).
Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and the European Union NextGenerationEU, UNICO I+D Project TSI-0630002021-138 “6G-SORUS” on “Sustainable orchestration of VRANs, UAVs and surfaces for 6G” (Telefónica, 2022–2024).
Horizon Europe project 101120684 “CUSTODES” on “A certification approach for dynamic, agile and reusable assessment for composite systems of ICT products, services, and processes” (Telefónica, 2024–2026).
H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020 “META WIRELESS” on “Future Wireless Communications Empowered by Reconfigurable Intelligent Meta-Materials” (Telefónica, 2023–2024).
Academic R&D Projects
Ayuda de Consolidación Investigadora CNS2023-145384 “INTENSE” on “Integration of Terrestrial and Non-terrestrial Networks for Aerial Services” (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2024–2026), Principal Investigator.
CHISTERA IV Cofund 2022 PCI2023-145958-2 “MLDR: A Machine Learning-Driven Radio Interface” (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2024–2026), Co-Investigator.
Nokia Germany R&D Project on “The study of the performance limits of current and upcoming unlicensed spectrum technologies” (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2021–2024), Principal Investigator.
MINECO Project PID2021-123999OB-I00 “INTERTWINE” on “Integrated Non-terrestrial Wireless Networks” (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2022–2025), Principal Investigator.
Ayuda Ramón y Cajal on “Tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones” (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2021–2026), Principal Investigator.
MINECO Project RTI2018-101040-A-I00 “WiND” on “Wireless networks for drones” (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2019–2022), Principal Investigator.
“la Caixa” Banking Foundation Junior Leader Fellowship on “Cellular networks for drone communications” (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2018–2021), Principal Investigator.
H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018 “PAINLESS” on “Energy-autonomous portable access points for infrastructure-less networks” (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2018–2022), Associated Partner.