Generative AI and LLMs
R. Nikbakht, M. Benzaghta, and G. Geraci, “TSpec-LLM: An Open-source Dataset for LLM Understanding of 3GPP Specifications“, in Proc. IEEE Globecom, 2024.
A. Giuliani, R. Nikbakht, G. Geraci, S. Kang, A. Lozano, and S. Rangan, “Spatially Consistent Air-to-Ground Channel Modeling via Generative Neural Networks”, IEEE Wireless Commun. Letters, 2024.
W. Xia, S. Rangan, M. Mezzavilla, A. Lozano, G. Geraci, V. Semkin, and G. Loianno, “Generative Neural Network Channel Modeling for Millimeter-Wave UAV Communication”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2022. [Publicly available code and dataset]
W. Xia, S. Rangan, M. Mezzavilla, A. Lozano, G. Geraci, V. Semkin, and G. Loianno, “Millimeter Wave Channel Modeling via Generative Neural Networks”, in Proc. IEEE Globecom Workshops, 2020. [Publicly available code and dataset]
6G and Wi-Fi
D. Lopez-Perez, N. Piovesan, and G. Geraci, “Capacity and Power Consumption of Multi-Layer 6G Networks Using the Upper Mid-Band“, in Proc. IEEE ICC, 2025.
E. Oughton, G. Geraci, M. Polese, M. Ghosh, W. Webb, D. Bubley, “The Future of Wireless Broadband in the Peak Smartphone era: 6G, Wi-Fi 7, and Wi-Fi 8“, preprint, 2024.
L. Galati Giordano, G. Geraci, M. Carrascosa, and B. Bellalta, “What Will Wi-Fi 8 Be? A Primer on IEEE 802.11bn Ultra High Reliability,” IEEE Commun. Magazine, 2024. [Featured in La Vanguardia (in Spanish)][Featured in Connectivity Technology Blog] [Featured in Focus UPF] [Featured in the Global Telecom Policy Research Network newsletter]
A. Garcia-Rodriguez, D. Lopez-Perez, L. Galati Giordano, and G. Geraci, “IEEE 802.11be: WiFi 7 Strikes Back,” IEEE Commun. Mag., 2021. [Featured in The Register] [Featured in PC Perspective] [Featured in ISPreview] [Featured in Sina (in Chinese)] [Featured in La Vanguardia (in Spanish)] [Featured in ABC (in Spanish)] [Featured in Marseille News (in French)] [Featured in TechRadar (in Italian)] [Featured in AG Connect (in Dutch)] [Featured in Techzine (in Dutch)] (and many other outlets)
Data-driven RAN Optimization
M. Benzaghta, G. Geraci, D. Lopez-Perez, and A. Valcarce, “Data-driven Optimization and Transfer Learning for Cellular Network Antenna Configurations“, in Proc. IEEE WCNC, 2025.
J. Shabanpour, C. Simovski, and G. Geraci, “Physically Consistent RIS: From Reradiation Mode Optimization to Practical Realization“, in Proc. IEEE Globecom, 2024.
M. Benzaghta, G. Geraci, D. Lopez-Perez, and A. Valcarce, “Designing Cellular Networks for UAV Corridors via Bayesian Optimization”, in Proc. IEEE Globecom, 2023.
E. de Carvalho Rodrigues, A. Valcarce, and G. Geraci, “Toward Mobility Management with Multi-objective Bayesian Optimization,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC, 2023.
UAV Communications and NTN
S. Karimi-Bidhendi, G. Geraci, and H. Jafarkhani, “Optimizing Cellular Networks for UAV Corridors via Quantization Theory”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2024.
M. Bernabè, D. Lopez-Perez, N. Piovesan, G. Geraci, and D. Gesbert, “Massive MIMO for Aerial Highways: Enhancing Cell Selection via SSB Beams Optimization”, IEEE Open Journal Commun. Society, 2024.
S. Kang, G. Geraci, M. Mezzavilla, and S. Rangan, “Terrestrial-Satellite Spectrum Sharing in the Upper Mid-Band with Interference Nulling”, in Proc. IEEE ICC Workshops, 2024.
G. Geraci, D. López-Pérez, M. Benzaghta, and S. Chatzinotas, “Integrating Terrestrial and Non-terrestrial Networks: 3D Opportunities and Challenges”, IEEE Commun. Magazine, 2023. [Featured in the Global Telecom Policy Research Network newsletter]
M. Benzaghta, G. Geraci, R. Nikbakht, and D. López-Pérez, “UAV Communications in Integrated Terrestrial and Non-terrestrial Networks”, in Proc. IEEE Globecom, 2022. [Featured in Electronics Weekly] [Featured in SpacEconomy360 (in Italian)] [Featured in UPF News] [Best Paper Award] [Connecting the World from the Skies Forum Runner-up Paper Award]
S. Kang, M. Mezzavilla, A. Lozano, G. Geraci, S. Rangan, V. Semkin, W. Xia, and G. Loianno, “Coexistence of UAV and Terrestrial Users in Millimeter-Wave Urban Networks”, in Proc. IEEE Globecom Workshops, 2022.
G. Geraci, A. Garcia-Rodriguez, M. M. Azari, A. Lozano, M. Mezzavilla, S. Chatzinotas, Y. Chen, S. Rangan, and M. Di Renzo, “What Will the Future of UAV Cellular Communications Be? A Flight from 5G to 6G”, IEEE Commun. Surveys and Tutorials, 2022. [#6 most accessed article upon publication]
Y. Zeng, I. Guvenc, R. Zhang, G. Geraci, and D. W. Matolak (Eds.), “UAV Communications for 5G and Beyond”, Wiley – IEEE Press, Dec. 2020. [IEEE ComSoc Best Readings]
A. Garcia-Rodriguez, G. Geraci, D. López-Pérez, L. Galati Giordano, M. Ding, and E. Björnson, “The Essential Guide to Realizing 5G-Connected UAVs with Massive MIMO,” IEEE Commun. Mag., 2019.
M. M. Azari, G. Geraci, A. Garcia-Rodriguez, and S. Pollin, “Cellular UAV-to-UAV Communications”, in Proc. IEEE PIMRC, 2019. [Best Paper Award]
G. Geraci, A. Garcia Rodriguez, L. Galati Giordano, D. López-Pérez, and E. Björnson, “Understanding UAV Cellular Communications: From Existing Networks to Massive MIMO,” IEEE Access, 2018. [IEEE ComSoc Best Readings]