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Introducing the recent publication of our DigiDoc Editorial Series, "Comunicación efectiva de la ciencia: diseminación y explotación".

Professors Alejandra Campos, Rafael Pedraza and Lluís Codina, are co-authors of the recently published DigiDoc Report, the last publication of our DigiDoc Editorial Series.



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This DigiDoc report is a remarkable introduction to effective communication strategies for scientific projects within the framework of the European Union's 2020 Horizon program. According to this document's abstract: 

"The objective of this study is twofold: on the one hand, to define the concepts related to communication, dissemination and exploitation of results in the context of research and innovation in the European science and innovation system. On the other hand, propose conceptual tools that help research teams to devise, plan, implement and evaluate effective communication plans for science in order to multiply the impact of actions publicly financed, especially those of the European Union. As a methodology, a systematic review has been carried out based on a document bank made up of reports and reference documents on effective communication of science, dissemination and exploitation of results in the European Union Framework Program for research and innovation. Horizon 2020 for the period 2014-2020. This program of programs, the largest in the world that has existed until 2020, has had a budget of almost 80 billion euros during those 7 years to promote European competitiveness through cooperation in the fields of science, technology and innovation in the European Union and beyond. Based on the results of the review work, a conceptual tool is presented for the construction of a dynamic-strategic communication plan or the application of SEO content, to offer researchers the opportunity to know the visibility and engagement of different audiences. This method can also be useful to define measures that enhance the impact of strategic communication plans of projects financed by the European science and innovation system".


This report can be found at our DigiDoc Publications section.