The DigiDoc Seminar presentations are focused on analysis, debate or feasibility of studies regarding the two main areas of interest of the Group:

  • Digital Documentation.
  • Interactive Communication.

However, given the interdisciplinary nature of the DigiDoc Group, it is also part of its scope:

  • Any aspect derived from the various intersections of social communication, interactive communication, digital publishing and the World Wide Web;
  • In any of its facets or dimensions, preferably related to Human and Social Sciences.

Presentations may consist, among others, of:

  • Methodologies and analysis systems.
  • Future lines of work.
  • Project results.
  • Study cases.
  • Research problems.
  • Collaboration proposals for new projects.


Contact us: 

The Seminar's coordination and the organization of its sessions are in charge of Javier Díaz-Noci ([email protected]) and Laura Pérez Altable ([email protected]), who arranges and conducts the ordinary sessions.