Presentation and thematic scope

The DigiDoc Seminar presentations are focused on analysis, debate or feasibility of studies regarding the two main areas of interest of the Group:

  • Digital Documentation.
  • Interactive Communication.

However, given the interdisciplinary nature of the DigiDoc Group, it is also part of its scope:

  • Any aspect derived from the various intersections of social communication, interactive communication, digital publishing and the World Wide Web;
  • In any of its facets or dimensions, preferably related to Human and Social Sciences.

Presentations may consist, among others, of:

  • Methodologies and analysis systems.
  • Future lines of work.
  • Project results.
  • Study cases.
  • Research problems.
  • Collaboration proposals for new projects.

In the Seminar's philosophy two different roles are contemplated: experts and scholars. Both roles are interchangeable, as we identify them with the roles of assistant and speaker. Both have an important role, since the DigiDoc Seminar sessions are characterized by broad participation, debate and the exchange of ideas between these two main participatory figures or roles.


Functional characteristics

The DigiDoc Seminar is an instrument for research, information and coordination of our Group's members. In this sense, it fulfills at least the following functions and objectives:

  • Information and debate forum: a space for the exchange of information between members of the Group.
  • Research workshop or seminar: a space for presentation and discussion of new work, in order to refine ideas and methods through debate and evaluation among experts.
  • A place of contrast and exchange of experiences: a space where invited researchers from other Groups and Universities participate with us.
  • Interdisciplinary instrument: an opportunity to present work methods or systems, concepts and ideas from other disciplines or research areas.


Structure, results and programming

  • General scheme: at the ordinary sessions the presentation of two papers takes place during about 25-30 minutes per paper, followed by a debate of another 20 minutes among the attendees. However, other schemes are possible: for example, a 45-minute lecture or presentation followed by another 30 or 40 minutes of round table and debate with two panelists and a moderator.
  • Speakers: research and collaborating members of the DigiDoc group, invited researchers from other groups and / or from other Universities or Departments.
  • Sessions and attendees: some sessions take place as group activities or workshops. In this case, the sessions' information is sent with an invitation to a) the collaborating members of the correspondant DigiDoc Seminar, b) members of the DigiDoc Group, c) researchers from other Departments and / or Universities who have collaborated with us in research projects or activities, d) DigiDoc Group researchers from other Departments and / or Universities who work on issues related to the interests of the Group and who have agreed to attend or participate in certain sessions; e) doctoral students of research members of the Group, etc. On the other hand, certain sessions are open to the public; in this case Seminars are announced through the advertising channels of the Department of Communication and / or Pompeu Fabra University.
  • DigiDoc Seminar collaborator: any researcher from the Department of Communication of the Pompeu Fabra University or related Departments of other universities can request the status of collaborating member of the DigiDoc Seminar. In general, the condition of collaborator and assistant to the workshop-type sessions of the DigiDoc Seminar can be requested directly from any of the members of the coordination team or the General Coordinator of the DigiDoc Group, briefly indicating the applicant's research profile and research interests. Any researcher with the condition of assistant can apply as speaker upon a proposal to the Coordination Team.
  • Results: in addition to holding of the session itself, other results can also be derived, such as presentations by the lecturers or speakers -typically in PDF or a similar format- summaries of the seminar, transcript or video record, if applicable. These results will always be referenced on the Seminar page and will be published on one of the platforms indicated below:


Operation and Team

  • Periodicity: monthly, with about 9 sessions per academic year, each session lasting about two hours. If you are interested in receiving the DigiDoc Seminars calls by email, please can contact Laura Pérez Altable ([email protected]).
  • Scheduling and proposals: the sessions' scheduling and the organization of the topics to be discussed in them, is in charge of the coordination team members. Any proposals should be addressed to Laura Pérez Altable ([email protected]). The coordination team also makes calls to propose topics and sessions among the DigiDoc Group researchers.
  • Proposals: although proposals for topics and speakers or lecturers can be sent to any of the members of the DigiDoc Seminar coordination team, in general the person responsible for organizing the sessions is Laura Pérez Altable ([email protected]) to whom preferably such proposals can be sent.
  • Coordination Team: The Seminar's coordination and the organization of its sessions are in charge of Javier Díaz-Noci ([email protected]) and Laura Pérez Altable ([email protected]), who arranges and conducts the ordinary sessions.