Back Herrera, Raquel


Communication Department
Digidoc Group
Collaborating professor

Personal website


Current position:

Associate professor of undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Information and Communication at the Open University of Catalonia, the Barcelona School of Management and the Toulouse Business School. Associate professor at the University School of Tourism and Hospitality of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.


Academic training:

BA in Audiovisual Communication (Pompeu Fabra University, 2001). Postgraduate degree in Theory and Criticism of Contemporary Art (Escola Eina-UAB, 2002). PhD in Social Communication (UPF, 2014).


Research interests:

Communication and digital marketing, cultural communication in a
broad sense, social networks.


Recent publications:

  • #ReimpulsemBarcelona: cómo optimizó Instagram el alcaldable @ErnestMaragall en la campaña municipal de Barcelona 2019. En Instagram en la estrategia de construcción de liderazgo político (Ideograma-Editorial Gedisa, junio 2020).

  • Solo puedo fabricar unos pocos… extensiones transmedia del filme de ciencia-ficción Blade Runner. En Puebla, Belén et alt. (eds). Sinergias Digitales. Hibridaciones entre información, ficción y entretenimiento (Ediciones Egregius/Universidad de Zaragoza, 2018).

  • Creating the artworld of literature and technology: The Electronic Literature Collection as a key resource for digital art research. Artnodes. Journal on Art, Science and Technology, UOC, 2017.

  • Instagram en la construcción del liderazgo políticoCátedra ideograma-UPF.