The Centre for Aesthetics, Religion and Contemporary Culture and the Haas Library at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra are pleased to announce a call for applications for two individual fellowships, permitting the successful applicants to carry out original artistic and/or research projects at the Haas Library for a period of three months.

We welcome scholarly and/or artistic submissions from any disciplinary background or perspective, though candidates must show the specific link between their proposal and any aspect or theme of the Haas Library collection.

In 2020, these fellowships, previously known as Haas Fellowships, were renamed as Javier & Marta Villavecchia Fellowships, so that they paid homage to their original benefactors and to the ongoing trust and generosity of the whole Villavecchia family.


2026 Javier & Marta Villavecchia Fellowships (soon)

The Centre for Aesthetics, Religion and Contemporary Culture and the Haas Library at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra are pleased to announce the new call for applications for two individual J&M Villavecchia Fellowships for 2025-2026. This call is open to both artists and postdoctoral researchers with original and innovative proposals that make use of the themes and materials of the Haas Library. Applications made by last-year predoctoral researchers that can justify the crucial interest of the Haas library materials for the consecution of their PhD will also be considered.

Fellowships are for a period of three months. One fellowship will be granted for the winter semester (from September to February), and another for the spring semester (from February to July).

Call for Applications

English      Catalan      Spanish


Application Form

English      Catalan      Spanish

The Application Form is to be sent to [email protected] together with a letter of introduction and motivation (1 page), a CV (2 pages), two letters of reference and a detailed proposal of the project to be carried out as fellow, putting emphasis on its adjustment to the aims of the scholarship (3 pages).

Applications deadline: TBD



Sara Ramos Contioso, 2024

The project "Espiritualidad funeral y olvido: el Requiem de Pierre Bouteiller (1655-1717) como génesis creativa de una propuesta multidisciplinar" aims at developing a critical study of Bouteiller's requiem and funerary symbology, as the creative foundation for a string quartet composition. Besides Bouteiller, the project is enriched with two further sources from the Haas Library: the facsimile of the Gradual from Saint Cecilia in Trastevere and Cants Espirituals Catalans. The string quartet composition articulates in each move a citation of the spiritual chants, and complements Bouteiller's citations with Gregorian elements extracted from the Gradual.


Harri Hudspith, 2024

Harri Hudspith is an artist-researcher. Their practice-based project pursues an exploratory dialogue between the Dipòsit de les Aigües and themystical writings of two female mystics associated with the Haas library collection: Catherine of Siena and Teresa de Jesús, both of whom speak to their soul’s experience of mystical knowing through patterns of architectural, aquatic, and arboreal imagery. Drawing on the Dipòsit and its aquatic connections with the Parc de la Cuitadella as a vehicle through which to read Teresa and Catherine’s text, the project seeks a re-thinking of the soul as a site of knowing that challenges traditional epistemological binaries and boundaries.


Manel Ribera, 2023

Saint Hildegard von Bingen is a key figure in Western mysticism. Her music was groundbreaking, featuring the earliest examples of musical notation with authorship. It showcased an extensive melodic contour, exploring registers, timbres, and colors uncommon for her time and even centuries later. Drawing inspiration from Hildegard's visions, writings, and music, Manel Ribera will create a new composition for two guitars at a quarter-tone distance, cello, voice, and electroacoustics, evoking a sensation of Paracusia. This work seeks to intertwine Hildegard's legacy with Manel Ribera's artistic expression, venturing into unexplored musical territories.

Artistic collaboration: Concert premiering Divine Paracusia and Variations on Montserrat's Red Book (projected Spring 2024)

Vladislava Spasova Ilieva, 2023

The cultural anthropologist and doctor in Sciences of Religion Vladislava Spasova Ilieva is a postdoctoral researcher currently working in the Ethnographic Museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and her research project involves the figure of Jesus in Islamic and Christian Mysticism. She addresses especially Sufi poems and Orthodox Christian images.

Perejaume, 2022

The artist, poet and essayist Perejaume prepares an intervention named Escrita in the Haas Library. Escrita is a river that flows through Espot in the Àneu Valley, and it is the occasion for a poetic-reflective account on the natural and human phenomena of inscription, insertion, erasure, presence and fluidity. The Dipòsit de les Aigües, which is the former water tower building that now hosts the Haas Library, is the ideal space for such poetic and performative remarks on the interrelation between books and water.

Artistic collaboration: IX Alois Maria Haas Lectures: L'Escrita, a Lecture by Perejaume (June, 2022)

Cesc Gelabert, 2021

In the exceptional context of 2020-21, and in collaboration with the scholars of the Centre for Aesthetics, Religion and Contemporary Culture, Gelabert, one of the most reputed dancers and choreographers of today, together with Amador Vega, have developed a performance project around a piece by playwright Valère Novarina, known as "Excerpts: A Lecture in Dance and Theology." The performance in fieri touches the boundaries of expression and reflection through Novarina's words and silences and Gelabert's stillness and movements, in intimate relation with a number of spiritual practices of the East and the West, and in line with the scholarly neverending endeavour of comprehension of the mystery within human existence.

Martín Bonadeo, 2019

Martín José Bonadeo is a visual artist and lecturer at various universities of Argentina (UCA, Austral and Di Tella). His project is involved with the images and graphic representations of the Haas collection, which are to serve as the symbolic basis for a research around contemporary Art and spirituality.

Artistic collaboration: Ensayos para una Cruz del Sur en el Norte (March, 2020)

Nesrin Karavar, 2019

Nesrin Karavar is a postdoctoral researcher in the Universitat de Barcelona, and holds a PhD in Construction and Representation of Cultural Identity by the same university. Her project is an important contribution to the comparative knowledge of Spanish and Turkish mystical traditions, specifically about St. Teresa de Jesús (1515-1582) and Adile Sultan (1826-1899), with the aim of pointing out the most characteristic aspects of feminine mystical literature in the East and the West.

Seminar: La poesía de corte místico de la princesa turco-otomana Adile Sultan (1826-1899)

Sebastián Moro Tornese, 2018

Sebastián Moro is an expertised Violoncellist and holds a PhD in Philosophy at the Royal Holloway College (University of London). His project explores the connection between Aesthetics, Cosmology and Mystical Philosophy and focuses on the symbol of the scala naturae, represented as a a musical scale and as a cosmical monochord. He works on the Neoplatonic heritage in authors like Llull, Fludd and Kircher, and emphasizes both the visual and auditive symbolism of their figures.

Seminar: La Musica Speculativa: la música como espejo de la realidad en la recepción del Neoplatonismo en Fludd y Kircher (VIII Haas Lectures)

Sylvain Camilleri, 2018

Sylvain Camilleri is Assistant Professor at the Catholic University of Louvain. His project deals with the 18th century German Glaubensphilosophie. He explores its relationship with the Gefühlsphilosophie or the early Sturm und Drang movement. He addresses the problematic notion of Glaube, that simultaneously means "belief" and "faith", for faith is to be thought of as a very peculiar extension of belief leading a certain form of sui generis knowledge, which is of no less theoretical and practical value when it comes to our being-in-the-world.

Seminar: Faith’s Knowledge in Johann Georg Hamann. On the Genesis and Topicality of XVIIIth Century Glaubensphilosophie (VIII Haas Lectures)

David W. Johnson, 2017

David Johnson is Associate Professor (with tenure) at the Boston College. His project, Watsuji’s Philosophy of Nature: Thinking Between Heidegger and Gadamer, raises an intercultural dialogue between different philosophical traditions and their contribution to a deeper understanding of the philosophy practiced in East Asia.

Seminar: Nature, Culture, and Lifeworld. Some Ontological Considerations

Elizabeth Sarah Coles, 2016

Elizabeth Sarah Coles is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, where she works on contemporary literary-critical cultures, forms, and media. She studied at the University of Cambridge (MA, MPhil) and Queen Mary, University of London (PhD), and has taught and published on literary criticism and theory, psychoanalysis and contemporary Anglophone poetry. She is co-editor and co-author of the forthcoming book, Wild Analysis: From the Couch to Cultural and Political Life, New Library of Psychoanalysis (London and New York: Routledge, 2021), and is completing a monograph on the Canadian poet and essayist, Anne Carson. 

Communication: Creación/decreación: apuntes hacia una lectura de la poética contemporánea (VII Haas Lectures)