
In these pilot experiments (conducted in the CBCLaB), participants will be presented with stimuli on a screen and required to make decisions based on these stimuli (on three different tasks). Their gaze will be monitored using an eye tracker, and they will provide responses using a video-game controller. These pilots serves as a preliminary test for the actual experiment that will be conducted in Hospital del Mar.

Experimenter: Justo Montoya (TCN)
Methods: Eye-tracker
Starting date: 07/06/2023
Traget population: adults


ManyBabies 3 - Rule Learning 

El objetivo de este estudio es estudiar cómo los bebés procesan los patrones lingüís cos dentro del habla.
Presentaremos palabras que siguen patrones silábicos diferentes: en algunas la misma sílaba se repite en seguida, en otras la misma sílaba se repite en alternancia con otra sílabas (LONILO vs. LONINI). Queremos ver si los bebés a esta edad pueden disnguir estos patrones.

Durante la primera parte del estudio, presentamos a BEBÉ estas palabras juntas a imágenes naturales (por ejemplo, nubes) para familiarizarse con el patrón silábico.
En la segunda parte del estudio, presentaremos algunas palabras que ha escuchado y palabras nuevas, junto a otras imágenes que se van alternando en las 3 pantallas.

Experimenter: Chiara Santolin (SAP)
Methods: Preferència de gir del cap
Starting date: 30/05/2023
Traget population: Infants 8~10 months



In this experiment the subject will navigate through virtual reality mazes while EEG activity is concurrently recorded.

Experimenter: Angela Barbara Martí (MRG)
Methods: Virtual Reality System, Steering Wheel and pedal, EEG recording system
Starting date: 29/05/2023
Traget population: Adults, No history of epileptic seizures


VR Entrainment 

In this experiment the subject will navigate through virtual reality mazes while EEG activity is concurrently recorded.

Experimenter: Angela Barbara Martí (MRG)
Methods: Virtual Reality System, Steering Wheel and pedal, EEG recording system
Starting date: 24/05/2023
Traget population: Adults, No history of epileptic seizures


Adult ME (second language) 

In this study, participants will be shown images while they are named. The looking behavior will be registered with eye-tracking. They will select the correct referent by pressing keys on a keyboard.

Experimenter: Alex Costa, Kinga Bohus (RICO)
Methods: Eye-tracker
Starting date: 08/05/2023
Traget population: Adults, non-native Spanish learner

Laboratoris de Neurociència

Center for Brain and Cognition