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CAS Seminar: Youth advertising literacy in the digital era by professor Beatriz Feijóo


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In today’s digitally driven world, the younger generation is constantly bombarded with advertising. How can they discern between genuine content and promotional material? This is a question that is not only relevant to the youth but also to educators, researchers, and individuals interested in youth advertising literacy. Professor Beatriz Feijóo will address this pressing issue in her forthcoming seminar, providing insights that can be applied in various professional and academic contexts.

Unlike their predecessors, today's youth are not simply ignoring advertisements; rather, they are actively choosing what captures their interest. From influencer endorsements to immersive experiences, they engage with advertising on their own terms. However, are they sufficiently equipped to navigate the complexities of modern advertising?

Beatriz Feijóo Fernández has a doctorate in communication and a degree in advertising, public relations, and audiovisual communication from the University of Vigo. Feijóo is a professor at the UNIR Faculty of Business and Communication, where she is vice dean of research. Her extensive work as a teacher and researcher at the University of the Andes (Chile) and at the University of Vigo, along with her authorship of various publications and scientific articles, editorship of books on communication and minors, and leadership in research projects funded on this same topic, underscores her authority in the field of youth advertising literacy.

Join us on May 16, 2024, in Meeting room 52,939 - 9th-floor building 52 of the Poblenou Campus, Pompeu Fabra University.

This event is open to the public but requires prior registration:

Attendants will receive a certificate.



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