Course modules

The Summer School will include the following five modules:


Researchers' workshop

The researchers' workshop offers participants the opportunity to present and discuss their work and receive constructive feedback from the renowned experts present at the summer school.

Workshop chair: Albert Costa, Cristina Baus and Marco Calabria (Pompeu Fabra University)

Participants attending the BSBM17 are kindly invited to submit their contributions for the researchers' workshop, which will be held on Wednesday afternoon from 15:30 to 18:30 and Friday morning from 9:30 to 13:30. Each contribution should use 15-20 minutes to present pre- or post-doctoral research either in progress or finished, and it will be followed by 5 minutes of discussion. The workshop chair will lead the discussion with the audience.

Proposals should be sent to [email protected] - when you send the abstract, please make sure that both the subject of the e-mail and the name of the document contain the following information: "BSBM2017_NAME&SURNAME_workshop". The abstracts will be reviewed anonymously. Abstracts can have one or multilpe authors, and length should not exceed 200 words (excluding references).

There will also be a Poster session on Friday morning.

A certificate will be provided for each presenter.

       Abstract submission deadline: March 20th 2017

Notification of acceptance: April 1st 2017



Tuesday, September 12

9:00: Welcome

9:30-13:30: Jubin Abutalebi    

13:30-15:30: Lunch

15:30-19:00: Fred Genesee

Wednesday, September 13

9:30-13:30: Katherine D. Kinzler

13:30-15:30: Lunch

15:30-18:30: Workshop I. Oral presentations by researchers

Thursday, September 14

9:30-13:30: Guillaume Thierry

Friday, September 15

9:30-13:30: Workshop II and Poster session

13.30 - 14.00: Certificates and closure


A coffee break service will be served per day at 11.30.

English will be the working language of the Summer  School