7th Barcelona Summer School on Bi- and Multilingualism (BSBM)

Sept 13-15, 2022 - Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona

The Barcelona Summer School on Bi- and Multilingualism (BSBM) is an academic opportunity intended for post-graduate students and researchers interested in an updated overview of the field in an international academic context.

The different modules offered at the school are presented by well-renowned experts who represent different disciplinary approaches and will discuss state-of-the-art research on the cognitive, linguistic and cultural aspects of bi- and multilingualism. 

Attendees will have the opportunity to present their work as oral presentations or posters (see Research sessions). All the works will be accepted (see below).


Modules and scholars

The school offers 3 modules presented by the following scholars:

Module 1. Impact of short-term and long-term language experience on language regulation and cognitive functions in bilinguals

Zofia Wodniecka (University Jagiellonski, Poland)


Module 2. Bilingualism as a dynamic experience that sculpts the brain

Christos Pliatsikas (University of Reading, UK)


Module 3. Psycholinguistic, cognitive, and neural implications of bimodal bilingualism

Karen Emmorey (San Diego State University, USA)


This year's edition of the BSBM remembers Albert Costa and his scientific relevance in the field of bilingualism. Together with Jon Andoni Duñabeitia (Universidad de Nebrija, Spain) we will discuss the main results obtained by the scientific network ACELERA (Sientific Network Albert Costa on the effects of foreign language related to acculturation https://www.nebrija.com/investigacion-universidad/red-acelera/).


Research sessions

Together with the courses, all attendees will have the opportunity to present their work in three research sessions taking place in the afternoons. Students will have 10 minutes to present pre- or post-doctoral research either 'work in progress' or finished projects. Interested students should submit an abstract (see Research Sessions for further details).

All abstracts will be accepted, either as a poster or an oral presentation.