Back 2nd Summer School of Computational and Experimental Economics, June 11-17, 2023

2nd Summer School of Computational and Experimental Economics, June 11-17, 2023


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The 2nd Summer School of Computational and Experimental Economics will be held from June 11 to June 17 at Beslab of Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain. All information is available in the following LINK

  • Goal: The goal of the summer school is to develop a foundation for using computational models and simulations to complement and/or explain results from human subject experiments. In particular, throughout the curriculum, students will learn how to implement a variety of agent-based models that have been successful in capturing regularities observed in the experimental and field data. In addition, the summer school will include a two-day workshop on computational and experimental economics which will include presentations by the leading researchers who are interested in experimental and computational economics.
  • Schedule Outline: The summer school coursework will begin with an overview of the literature at the intersection of experimental/behavioral economics and computational economics (as highlighted for example by The Handbook of Computational Economics, Heterogenous Agents, edited by Cars Hommes, Blake LeBaron, Volume 4, 2018) and continue with specific implementations of recent models including reinforcement learning, evolutionary learning, and belief learning. In addition, students will compare the performance of the agent-based approach to computational approaches that do not relax the assumptions of perfect rationality and information (e.g., dynamic programming).

The summer school consists of 5 days of instruction with a typical day including:

  • Two 90-minute lecture by the faculty
  • 90 minutes programming lecture
  • 90-minute hands-on group sessions in which students work to implement the computational model or participate in the experiment

The last day will include student-groups presenting proposals for a project and getting comments from the faculty. A tentative schedule is provided below.

  • Preparation: In order to ensure productive interaction during the summer school, all students will be required to complete a Python tutoriall and submit a set of exercises prior to arrival. In addition, because the summer school will include completion of a number of hand-on programming activities, students are encouraged to bring their own laptop computers with the necessary software installed.

In addition to the tutorial, students will be provided with a set of example programs that will be discussed during the lectures. The expectation is that students will study and execute these programs prior to arrival.

An example of programming exercise during the summer school.

The deadline for applications is March 31, 2023.


Guest lecturer

All information is available in the following LINK