Atrás Examining Game Mechanics and Extrinsic Motivation in a Group Awareness Tool for Collaborative Learning

Examining Game Mechanics and Extrinsic Motivation in a Group Awareness Tool for Collaborative Learning


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Lobo, R., Hernández-Leo, D., Examining Game Mechanics and Extrinsic Motivation in a Group Awareness Tool for Collaborative Learning, LASI Spain, Madrid, 29-30 June 2023.

Abstract. This study examines the interplay of game mechanics and extrinsic motivation in a GAT, and its implications for student participation in a CSCL context. By analyzing the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and the Learning Mechanics-Game Mechanics (LM-GM) model, we dissect the dynamics of a GAT integrated within an AnonymizedTool activity. Two game mechanics, Feedback and Behavioral Momentum, were identified and linked to variations in extrinsic motivation among students. Our analysis revealed that while the GAT succeeded in fostering participation, it elicited a spectrum of extrinsic motivation, from identified regulation to external regulation. The study also proposes potential enhancements to the GAT by incorporating game mechanics associated with intrinsic motivation. The findings provide valuable insights into the complex dynamics of GATs and contribute to the discourse on improving student engagement and learning outcomes in CSCL environments. 




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