Atrás TIDE participated in the Erasmus+ illuminatED project transnational meeting at the University of Helsinki

TIDE participated in the Erasmus+ illuminatED project transnational meeting at the University of Helsinki



On June 18-19, TIDE participated in the transnational meeting for illuminatED (Illuminating Effective Teaching Strategies with the Science of Learning) in which workshops for school education teachers were being developed and tested.

Partners in the meeting included TIDE (Pompeu Fabra University), Department of Educational Sciences (University of Helsinki), Metropolia University of Applied Sciences of Helsinki , University of Western Macedonia, Advancis, and BOON.

Pilot workshops with school teachers are to be held in June, September and October in a number of partner countries including Spain, Greece, and Portugal.

More information:



ODS - Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible:

Els ODS a la UPF
