Atrás The group has participated in EMOOCs Workshop 2017

The group has participated in EMOOCs Workshop 2017



On May 24th, members of TIDE participated in the workshop “HybridEd Workshop: Innovations in Blended Learning with MOOCs” within the eMOOCs conference 2017. The main goal of the workshop was creating a space and an outlet to share and present experiences in Blended Learning (BL) using MOOCs.

During the first part, where several presentations took place, Laia Albó from GTI was presenting two papers related with the use of MOOCs in campus courses in the university. The first paper, co-authored with Davinia-Hernández-Leo, was “Breaking the walls of a campus summer course for high school students with two MOOCs”. A case study of integrating two external MOOCs in a face-to-face (f2f) summer course for high school students and that explore the main challenges from the point of view of the learning design process.

Citation : Albó L, Hernández-Leo D. Breaking the walls of a campus summer course for high school students with two MOOCs. Paper presented at: HybridEd Workshop. Innovations in blended learning with MOOCs; 2017 May 24; Leganés, Spain.
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The second paper, co-authored with Cristina Gelpí, was “ From a FutureLearn MOOC to a blended SPOC: the experience of a Catalan Sign Language course”. A paper that presents a case study of transforming an existing MOOC into a SPOC for being used in a campus course using a blended learning approach with the aim of providing a reflection of the experience and reporting, as well, the challenges of the hybridization process.

Citation: Albó L, Gelpí C. From a FutureLearn MOOC to a blended SPOC: the experience of a Catalan Sign Language course. Paper presented at: HybridEd Workshop. Innovations in blended learning with MOOCs; 2017 May 24; Leganés, Spain.

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In the second part of the workshop, Davinia-Hernández Leo, Laia Albó and Manel Jiménez (Director of the Center for Learning Innovation and Knowledge) were engaged in sharing BL designs using MOOCs with the other participants – reflecting on the different experiences, find common interests and exploring future possibilities through a group session.



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