Atrás Keynote at ICCE 2023, slides, video

Keynote at ICCE 2023, slides, video



Davinia Hernández-Leo, head of TIDE, gave a keynote speech at the 31st International Conference on Computers on Education (ICCE), Dec. 7th 2023, Matsue, Japan, with the title "Computers in Education: How can we support the teachers? (slides)



The list of references is at the end of the slides. Please, use original references if you cite ideas in the presentation. But if you want to cite the whole presentation, please cite it as

Davinia Hernández-Leo, Computers in Education: How can we support the teachers?, Keynote 31st International Conference on Computers on Education (ICCE), Dec. 7th 2023, Matsue, Japan.






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