Vidiella-Martin, J., Hernández-Pizarro, H. M., García-Gómez, P., & López-Casasnovas, G. (2024). "Unravelling hidden inequities in a universal public long-term care system". The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 29, 100527. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeoa.2024.100527

López-Casasnovas, G. (2024). "The lack of data and the conceptual mistakes in assessing public-private partnerships as a form of healthcare privatization". Gaceta Sanitaria, 38, 102363. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaceta.2024.102363

Maynou, Laia, Saéz, M., & López i Casasnovas, G. (2024). "Association of Income and wealth with self-reported health status: Analysis of European countries during the financial crisis". Revista Hacienda Pública Española, 249(2), 181–210. https://doi.org/10.7866/hpe-rpe.24.2.7

Negrín, M. A., & Ortún, V. (2024). "Gestión de Recursos Humanos en Sanidad. Vías de Avance consensuables. Informe SESPAS 2024". Gaceta Sanitaria, 38, 102394. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaceta.2024.102394

Ángel Negrín, M., & Ortún, V. (2024). "Editorial. Recursos Humanos en sanidad: Más de lo mismo no es una solución. Informe SESPAS 2024". Gaceta Sanitaria, 38, 102391. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaceta.2024.102391

Castillo-Rodenas, M., Vicente Gómez, J. Á., Fuster-Casanovas, A., Miró Catalina, Q., Vidal-Alaball, J., & López Seguí, F. (2024). "Impact of covid-19 on the Pediatric Primary Care Model in Catalonia: Analysis of changes in the number and type of face-to-face and remote visits". JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 7. https://doi.org/10.2196/49943

Anderson, M., Friebel, R., Maynou, L., Kyriopoulos, I., McGuire, A., & Mossialos, E. (2024). "Patient outcomes, efficiency, and adverse events for elective hip and knee replacement in private and NHS Hospitals: A population-based cohort study in England". The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, 40, 100904. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lanepe.2024.100904

Hernández-Pizarro, H. M., & Maynou, L. (2024). "The effects of physical activity prescription on Mental Health: Evidence from primary care". Economics & Human Biology, 55, 101432. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ehb.2024.101432

Maynou, L., McGuire, A., & Serra-Sastre, V. (2024). "What happens when the tasks dry up? exploring the impact of medical technology on Workforce Planning". Social Science & Medicine, 352, 117014. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.117014

Garcia-Pérez, J. I., Serrano-Alarcón, M., & Vall-Castelló, J. (2024). "Long-term unemployment subsidies and middle-aged disadvantaged workers’ health". Journal of Population Economics, 37(1). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00148-024-01000-3

Foremny, D., Sorribas-Navarro, P., & Vall Castelló, J. (2024). "Income insecurity and mental health in pandemic times". Economics & Human Biology, 53, 101351. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ehb.2024.101351

Erdemli, C., & Vall Castelló, J. (2024). "Gender differences in online education". SERIEs, 15(4), 349–388. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13209-024-00299-1

Armijos Bravo, G., & Vall Castelló, J. (2024). "Job competition in civil service public exams and sick leave behaviour". Fiscal Studies. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-5890.12392

Selma-Royo, M., Léonard Dubois, S., Armanini, F., Cabrera-Rubio, R., Valles-Colomer, M., González, S., Parra-Llorca, A., Escuriet, R., Bode, L., Martínez-Costa, C., Segata, N., Collado, M.; "Birthmode and environment-dependent microbiota transmission dynamics are complemented by breastfeeding during the first year", Cell Host & Microbe, Volume 32, Issue 6 (2024), ISSN 1931-3128, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chom.2024.05.005

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Maynou, L., McGuire, A., Serra-Sastre, V.; "Efficiency and productivity gains of robotic surgery: The case of the English National Health Service" Health Economics (2024) https://doi.org/10.1002/hec.4838

Pérez-Montes de Oca, A., Ricou Ríos, L., López Seguí, F., Alonso, N., "Economic impact of introducing a multidisciplinary diabetic foot clinic in a tertiary hospital" Medicina Clínica, 2024, ISSN 0025-7753, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.medcli.2024.01.029

Gogichadze, N., Sagrera, A., Vicente, J.A., Millet, J., López-Seguí, F., Vilaplana, C.; "Cost-effectiveness of active tuberculosis screening among high-risk populations in low tuberculosis incidence countries: a systematic review, 2008 to 2023"  Euro Surveill. 2024;29(12):pii=2300614. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2024.29.12.2300614

Codina, P., Vicente, J., Hernández, G., Ricou, L., Carrerte, A., Vilalta, V., Estrada, O., Ara, J., Lupón, J., Bayés-Genís, A., López, F.; "Assessing the impact of haemodynamic monitoring with CardioMEMS on heart failure patients: a cost–benefit analysis" ESC Heart Failure (2024) https://doi.org/10.1002/ehf2.14698

Sabater, R., Ricou, L.; "Impacte sobre l’economia catalana de l’activitat de l’Institut de Recerca Germans Trias i Pujol" Working Paper [Download]



Sabater, R., Ricou, L., Márquez, O., Gallifa, M.; "Impacte sobre l'economia catalana de l'activitat sanitària des de la perspectiva "de demanda". El cas de l'Hospital Sant Joan de Déu" Working Paper [Download]

López-Casasnovas, G. (2023). "Economia i salut en els límits dels mercats i l'ètica” Bioètica: una mirada cap al futur (pp. 166-171). Fundació Victor Grífols i Lucas. ISBN 978-84-09-54187-4 [Download]

Costa-i-Font, J., Batinti, A., Turati, G., & Lopez-Casasnovas, G. (2023). "Political economy of health system reform: evidence from Spain". In Handbook on the political economy of health systems (pp. 370–379). Essay, Edward Elgar. [Download

Ricou Ríos, L., Esposito Català, C., Pons Calsapeu, A. et al. Implementation of a vascular access specialist team in a tertiary hospital: a cost-benefit analysisCost Eff Resour Alloc 21, 67 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12962-023-00464-6 [Download]

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Maynou, L., Street, A., García-Altés, A., "Living longer in declining health: Factors driving healthcare costs among older people" Social Science & Medicine, Volume 327, 2023, 115955, ISSN 0277-9536, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.115955. [Download]

López-Casasnovas, G.; "Algunas enseñanzas de la colaboración público-privada desde y para la política sanitaria" Revista del IEE N.o 3/2023 [Download]

Ortún, V., Meneu, R., & Urbanos, R. (2023). La Sanitat a la cruïlla post-COVID. Profit Editorial. [Buy]

Roure S., López F., Oliva I., Pérez-Quílez O., March O., Chamorro A., et al. (2023) Schistosomiasis screening in non-endemic countries from a cost perspective: Knowledge gaps and research priorities. The case of African long-term residents in a Metropolitan Area, Spain. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 17(4): e0011221. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0011221 [Download]

Adroher, C., Calvo, C., López, F., Pavon, L., et al. (2023). Implementation of clinical assistants in a pediatric oncology department: An impact analysis. Health Services Management Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/09514848231165193 [Download]

Bosque-Mercader, L., Carrilero, N., García-Altés, A., López-Casasnovas, G., & Siciliani, L. (2023). "Socioeconomic inequalities in waiting times for planned and cancer surgery: Evidence from Spain". Health Economics, 1– 21. https://doi.org/10.1002/hec.4661 [Download]

López Seguí, F., Oyón Lerga, U., Laguna Marmol, L., Coll, P., Andreu, A., et al. (2023) "Cost-effectiveness analysis of the daily HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in men who have sex with men in Barcelona"PLOS ONE 18(1): e0277571. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0277571 [Download

Rosell, A., Baeza, S., Mouriño, R., Saigí, M., Munné, M., Lopez de Castro, P., Bechini, J., Estrada, O., Ara, J., López Seguí, F. (2023). "Implementation of the International Lung Screening Trial in Catalonia (Spain): An Economic Analysis." Preprints 2023, 2023010107. doi: 10.20944/preprints202301.0107.v1 [Download

Codina, P., Vicente Gómez, J.A., Hernández Guillamet, G., Ricou Ríos, L., Carrete, A., Vilalta, V., Estrada, O., Ara, J., Lupón, J., Bayés-Genís, A., López Seguí, F. (2023). "Assessing the Impact of Hemodynamic Monitoring with CardioMEMS on Heart Failure Patients: A Cost-effectiveness Analysis." Preprints 2023, 2023010116. doi: 10.20944/preprints202301.0116.v1  [Download

Bellés-Obrero, C., Cabrales, A., Jiménez-Martín, S., & Vall-Castelló, J. (2023). "Women’s education, fertility and children’ health during a gender equalization process: Evidence from a child labor reform in Spain". European Economic Review, 154, 104411. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euroecorev.2023.104411 [Download

Mas, M., Miralles, R., Ulldemolins, M. J., Garcia, R., Gràcia, S., Picaza, J. M., Fernández, M. N., Rocabayera, M. A., Rivera, M., Relaño, N., Asensio, M. T., Laporta, P., Morcillo, C., Nadal, L., Hervás, R., Fuguet, D., Alba, C., Banqué, N. M., Jimenez, S., … Estrada, O. (2023). "Evaluating person-centred integrated care to people with complex chronic conditions: Early implementation results of the PROPCC programme". International Journal of Integrated Care, 23(4). https://doi.org/10.5334/ijic.7585 [Download

Garcia-Olive, I., Lopez Seguí, F., Hernandez Guillamet, G., Vidal-Alaball, J., Abad, J., & Rosell, A. (2023). "Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on diagnosis of respiratory diseases in the northern metropolitan area in Barcelona (Spain)". Medicina Clínica, 160(9), 392–396. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.medcli.2022.11.021 [Download

Hernández Guillamet, G., Morancho Pallaruelo, A. N., Miró Mezquita, L., Miralles, R., Mas, M. À., Ulldemolins Papaseit, M. J., Estrada Cuxart, O., & López Seguí, F. (2023). "Machine learning model for predicting mortality risk in patients with complex chronic conditions: Retrospective analysis". Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, 15. https://doi.org/10.2196/52782 [Download

Banal-Estañol, A., Jofre-Bonet, M., Iori, G., Maynou, L., Tumminello, M., & Vassallo, P. (2023). "Performance-based research funding: Evidence from the largest natural experiment worldwide". Research Policy, 52(6), 104780. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2023.104780 [Download

van Kessel, R., Forman, R., Milstein, R., Mastylak, A., Czabanowska, K., Czypionka, T., Durand-Zaleski, I., Hirche, A., Krysinska-Pisarek, M., Maynou, L., Roberts, B., Torbica, A., Vrangbæk, K., Wang, Y., Wouters, O. J., & Mossialos, E. (2023). "Divergent covid-19 vaccine policies: Policy mapping of ten European countries". Vaccine, 41(17), 2804–2810. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.03.036 [Download

Anderson, M., Molloy, A., Maynou, L., Kyriopoulos, I., McGuire, A., & Mossialos, E. (2022). "Evaluation of the NHS england evidence-based Interventions Programme: A difference-in-difference analysis". BMJ Quality & Safety, 32(2), 90–99. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjqs-2021-014478 [Download

Maynou, Laia, Street, A., Burton, C., Mason, S. M., Stone, T., Martin, G., van Oppen, J., & Conroy, S. (2023). "Factors associated with longer wait times, admission and reattendances in older patients attending emergency departments: An analysis of linked healthcare data". Emergency Medicine Journal, 40(4), 248–256. https://doi.org/10.1136/emermed-2022-212303 [Download

Street, A., Maynou, L., & Conroy, S. (2023). "Did the acute frailty network improve outcomes for older people living with frailty? A staggered difference-in-difference panel event study". BMJ Quality & Safety, 32(12), 721–732. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjqs-2022-015832 [Download

England, T., Brailsford, S., Evenden, D., Street, A., Maynou, L., Mason, S. M., Preston, L., Burton, C., Van Oppen, J., & Conroy, S. (2023). "Examining the effect of interventions in emergency care for older people using a system dynamics decision support tool". Age and Ageing, 52(1). https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afac336 [Download

Marie, O., & Vall Castelló, J. (2023). "Sick leave cuts and (unhealthy) returns to work". Journal of Labor Economics, 41(4), 923–956. https://doi.org/10.1086/720629 [Download


Adroher Mas, C., Calvo Aroca, C., Casadevall Llandrich, R., López Seguí, F., Martin Carpi, J., García-Cuyàs, F. (2022). "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Telemedicine Visits in a Pediatric Gastroenterology Service in the Context of COVID-19". Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 15999. doi:10.3390/ijerph192315999

González López-Valcárcel, B., & Ortún, V. (2022). Reconstrucción del Sistema Sanitario: Gobernanza, Organización Y Digitalización. Informe SESPAS 2022. Gaceta Sanitaria36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaceta.2022.02.010 

González López-Valcárcel, B., & López-Casasnovas, G.; "Economic factors behind the pandemic deaths. A regional perspective" CRESWP#202211-124 [Download]

Adroher Mas, C., Esposito Català, C., Batlle Boada, A., Casadevall Llandrich, R., Millet Elizalde, M., García García, J. J., del Castillo Rey, M., García Cuyàs, F., Pons Serra, M., & López Seguí, F. (2022). "Pediatric tele–home care compared to usual care: Cost-minimization analysis"JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting5(1). https://doi.org/10.2196/31628 

Maynou, L., Pearson, G., McGuire, A., & Serra-Sastre, V. (2022). "The diffusion of robotic surgery: Examining technology use in the English NHS"Health Policy126(4), 325–336. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthpol.2022.02.007 

Akman, M., Ayhan Başer, D., Usanma Koban, B., Marti, T., Decat, P., Lefeuvre, Y., & Miller, R. (2022). "Organization of primary care." Primary Health Care Research & Development, 23, E49. doi:10.1017/S1463423622000275

López-Casasnovas, G. (2022). "La Economía de la Salud, una disciplina para la gestión clínica." Medicina Clínica. doi:10.1016/j.medcli.2022.04.001

Serrano-Alarcón, M., Hernández-Pizarro, H., López-Casasnovas, G., & Nicodemo, C. (2022). "Effects of long-term care benefits on healthcare utilization in Catalonia." Journal of Health Economics, 102645. doi:10.1016/j.jhealeco.2022.102645

Bosque-Mercader, L., Carrilero,N., García-Altés, A., López-Casasnovas, G., Siciliani, L. "Socioeconomic Inequalities in Waiting Times for Planned and Cancer Surgery: Evidence from Spain". (forcoming Health Economics 2022).

Friebel, R., Yoo, K. J., & Maynou, L. (2022). Opioid abuse and austerity: Evidence on health service use and mortality in England. Social Science & Medicine298, 114511. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114511 

Anderson, M., Molloy, A., Maynou, L., Kyriopoulos, I., McGuire, A., & Mossialos, E. (2022). Evaluation of the NHS england evidence-based Interventions Programme: A difference-in-difference analysis. BMJ Quality & Safety32(2), 90–99. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjqs-2021-014478 

Serrano-Alarcón, M., Hernández-Pizarro, H., López-Casasnovas, G., & Nicodemo, C. (2022). "Effects of long-term care benefits on healthcare utilization in Catalonia". Journal of Health Economics, 2022. Available online 30 May 2022, 102645 doi:10.1016/j.jhealeco.2022.102645

Anderson, M., Molloy, A., Maynou, L., Kyriopoulos, I., McGuire, A., & Mossialos, E. (2022). "Evaluation of the NHS England evidence-based interventions programme: a difference-in-difference analysis". BMJ Quality & Safety. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2021-014478

López Casasnovas, G., & Pifarré i Arolas, H. (2022, April). "Health Care Systems: Organization and Response to COVID-19 with a Focus on Spain." In Forum for Social Economics (Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 175-191). Routledge. [Download]

Maynou, L., Pearson, G., McGuireb, A., Serra-Sastre, V. (2022). "The diffusion of robotic surgery: examining technology use in the English NHS." Health Policy. [Download]

Mas, C. A., Català, C. E., Boada, A. B., Llandrich, R. C., Elizalde, M. M., García, J. J. G., ... & Seguí, F. L. (2022). "Pediatric Tele–Home Care Compared to Usual Care: Cost-Minimization Analysis." JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 5(1), e31628. [Download]



Pifarré i Arolas, H; "On marketization and public spending growthCRESWP#202112-123 [Download]

Friebel, R., Yoo, K. J., & Maynou, L. (2021). "Opioid abuse and austerity: Evidence on health service use and mortality in England." Social Science & Medicine, 114511.[Download]

López Seguí, F.; Oyon Lerga, U.; Laguna Marmol, L.; Coll, P.; Andreu, A.; Meulbroek, M.; López Casasnovas, G.; Estrada Cuxart, O.; Ara Rey, J.; Quiñones, C.; Perez, F.; Fernandez, J.; Rivero, A.; Clotet, B. "Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Daily HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in Men who Have Sex with Men in Barcelona." Preprints 2021, 2021110295. doi: 10.20944/preprints202111.0295.v1

Maynou, L., Monfort, M., Morley, B., & Ordóñez, J. (2021). "Club convergence in European housing prices: The role of macroeconomic and housing market fundamentals." Economic Modelling, 103, 105595 [Download]

Pifarré i Arolas H, Andrade J, Gonzalez L. "The effect of childbirth on job separationsCRESWP#202110-122 [Download]

Costa-Font, J., Jiménez Martin, S., & Viola, A. (2021). Fatal underfunding? explaining covid-19 mortality in Spanish nursing homesJournal of Aging and Health33(7-8), 607–617. https://doi.org/10.1177/08982643211003794 

Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies, 2021"Promoció de l’autonomia i de l’atenció a les persones amb suport de llarga durada a l’entorn comunitari a Catalunya. Recomanacions per impulsar el nou model" En el grup de treball hi ha participat el professor Guillem López Casasnovas. [Download]

Friebel, R., Henschke, C., & Maynou, L. (2021). "Comparing the dangers of a stay in English and German hospitals for high-need patients." Health Services Research. [Download]

Lopez Segui F, Hernandez Guillamet G, Pifarré Arolas H, Marin-Gomez FX, Ruiz Comellas A, Ramirez Morros AM, Adroher Mas C, Vidal-Alaball J. "Characterization and Identification of Variations in Types of Primary Care Visits Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Catalonia: Big Data Analysis StudyJournal of Medical Internet Research. 2021 Sep;23(9):e29622. DOI: 10.2196/29622. PMID: 34313600.

Maynou, L., Mehtsun, W. T., Serra-Sastre, V., & Papanicolas, I. (2021). "Patterns of adoption of robotic radical prostatectomy in the United States and England." Health Services Research. [Download]

Meis-Pinheiro U, Lopez-Segui F, Walsh S, Ussi A, Santaeugenia S, Garcia-Navarro JA, et al. (2021) "Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 in older adults. A retrospective study in long-term nursing homes in Catalonia." PLoS ONE 16(7): e0255141. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0255141

Pifarré i Arolas, H; Acosta, E., & Myrskylä, M. (2021). "Optimal vaccination age varies across countries.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(29), e2105987118. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2105987118

Pifarré i Arolas H, Vidal-Alaball J, Gil J, López F, Nicodemo C, Saez M. "Missing Diagnoses during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Year in Review." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021;18(10):5335. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18105335

Guillem López Casasnovas & Héctor Pifarré i Arolas (2021) "Health Care Systems: Organization and Response to COVID-19 with a Focus on Spain"Forum for Social EconomicsDOI: 10.1080/07360932.2021.1915835

Maynou L, Hernández-Pizarro HM, Errea Rodríguez M. (2021) "The Association of Physical (in)Activity with Mental Health. Differences between Elder and Younger Populations: A Systematic Literature ReviewInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021;18(9):4771. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18094771

Martínez-Jiménez, M., García-Gómez, P., & Puig-Junoy, J. (2021). The effect of changes in cost sharing on the consumption of prescription and over-the-counter medicines in Catalonia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(5), 2562. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18052562 

López-Casasnovas, G.; Pifarré i Arolas, H. (2021), "The Spanish Health-care System", Baltagi, B.H. and Moscone, F. (Ed.) The Sustainability of Health Care Systems in Europe (Contributions to Economic Analysis, Vol. 295), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 189-207. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0573-855520210000295016

Manganelli, AG; Alonso, E; "Health care resources utilization differences in patients with and without secondary hyperparathyroidism in Spain: costs of treatment and cardiovascular events" CRESWP#202103-121 [Download]

Bellés-Obrero, C., Jiménez-Martín, S., & Castello, J. V. (2021). Minimum working age and the gender mortality gapJournal of Population Economics35(4), 1897–1938. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00148-021-00858-x 

Pifarré i Arolas, H., Acosta, E., López-Casasnovas, G. et al. (2021)"Years of life lost to COVID-19 in 81 countries." Sci Rep 11, 3504 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-83040-3

Bellés-Obrero, C., Martin Bassols, N. & Vall Castello, J. "Safety at work and immigration." J Popul Econ 34, 167–221 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00148-020-00791-5


Diálogos en la interfaz de la economía y la salud a propósito de la Covid-19López-Casasnovas, Guillem; Joaquín Almunia, Joaquín; Mas-Colell, Andreu; Herrero, Carmen; Lacalle, Daniel; Sánchez Maldonado, José; Mas, Núria; Rivera, Berta; Salgado, Elena; Sebastián, Miguel; Luis Uriarte, Pedro; del Llano Señarís, Juan Ernesto; Figueras, Josep; Planas Iván; García Vargas, Julián; Castellón, Enrique; Ruiz, Boi; Lamas, María Jesús; Mosquera, Rocío; Fernández, Jesús María; Abarca, Juan; Hernández, Ildefonso ; González López-Valcárcel, Beatriz. (LópezCasasnovas,Guillem; Del Llano Señarís, Juan E.). (2020). Diálogos en la interfaz de la economía y la salud a propósito de la pandemia de la Covid-19. Libroacadémico, S.L. [Download]

López-Casasnovas, G., & Saez, M. (2020). Saved by Wealth? Income, Wealth, and Self-Perceived Health in Spain during the Financial CrisisInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(19), 7018. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17197018

Hernández-Pizarro, H. M., Nicodemo, C., & Casasnovas, G. L. (2020). Discontinuous system of allowances: The response of prosocial health-care professionalsJournal of Public Economics, 190, 104248. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpubeco.2020.104248

López-Casasnovas, G. Mecanismos y principios para la protección del derecho a la salud. E.M. nº 64 Enero-Abril 2020 [Download]

Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya "Informe sobre estimació del cost de la plaça escolar a Catalunya." Juliol 2020. La Comissió d'estudi integrada per cinc experts, Pedro Alonso Garcia, (substituït per motius professionals el mes de gener de 2020 per Lluís Biosca); Xavier Bonal; Isabel Fons; Eugeni Garcia Alegre i Guillem López Casasnovas. Inclou a l'anex el resultat de l’estudi “Cost de la complexitat i els mecanismes per a la seva compensació”, elaborat per Héctor Pifarré. [Download]

La malaltia de la sanitat catalana: finançament i goernançaLlavador H, Ortún V. "Buen gobierno, pandemias...y calentamiento global. In JM Abellán and C Campillo (directors): Economía de la Salud (y más) de la COVID-19." Barcelona: AES, 2020, p 112-119. [Download]

López Seguí, Francesc, et al. "Teleconsultations between Patients and Healthcare Professionals in Primary Care in Catalonia: The Evaluation of Text Classification Algorithms Using Supervised Machine Learning." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17.3 (2020): 1093. [Download]

Pinilla, J;  López-Valcárcel, Beatriz; "Income and wealth as determinants of voluntary private health insurance: empirical evidence and policy consequences in Spain, 2008-2014" CRESWP#202001-120 [Download]

Serra-Burriel, M., Keys, M., Campillo-Artero, C., Agodi, A., Barchitta, M., Gikas, A., ... & López-Casasnovas, G. (2020). "Impact of multi-drug resistant bacteria on economic and clinical outcomes of healthcare-associated infections in adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis". PloS one, 15(1), e0227139.  doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0227139 

López-Casasnovas, G., Casanova Roca, M. (Cercle de Salut). (2020). "La malaltia de la sanitat catalana: finançament i governança". Profit Editorial, S.L. [Link]



Serra-Burriel, M., Graupera, I., Torán, P., Thiele, M., Roulot, D., Wong, V. W. S., ... & Hernández, R. (2019). Transient elastography for screening of liver fibrosis: Cost-effectiveness analysis from six prospective cohorts in Europe and AsiaJournal of Hepatology, 71(6), 1141-1151. ISO 690. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2019.08.019

Vidal-Alaball, J; Franch-Parella, J; Lopez Seguí, F; Garcia Cuyàs, F; Mendioroz Peña, J; "Impact of a Telemedicine Program on the Reduction in the Emission of Atmospheric Pollutants and Journeys by RoadInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16(22), 4366; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16224366 [Download]

Vall Castelló, J; López Casasnovas, G;"Impact of SSB taxes on sales" Economics & Human Biology. Volume 36, January 2020, 100821 [Download]

Costa-Ramón, Ana; Kortelainen, Mika; Rodríguez-González, Ana; Sääksvuori, Lauri "The Long-Run Effects of Cesarean Sections" VATT Working Papers 125 [Download]

Serra Burriel, M. Manganelli, AG. López-Casasnovas, G. "Economic Analysis of the Efficiency of Valencian Hospital ConcessionsCRESWP#201910-109 [Download]

Garcia-Alegre, E; "Notes per debatre el finançament i la tarifació social de l'educació de primera infància (0-3 anys)CRESWP#201910-119 [Download]

López-Casasnovas, G; Casanova i Roca, M; "El sistema sanitari català: situació i perspectiva" CRESWP#201910-118 [Download]

Vall Castelló, J; López-Casasnovas, G; "Impact of SSB taxes on sales" CRESWP#201910-110 [Download]

Durán-Sindreu, A; López-Casasnovas, G;  "Nuevas reflexiones sobre el impuesto de patrimonio. El caso de la tributación del patrimonio no afecto a actividades económicas propiedad de personas jurídicas y sobre el patrimonio de determinadas actividades" CRESWP#201909-117 [Download]

Saez, M; López-Casasnovas, G; "Assessing the Effects on Health Inequalities of Differential Exposure and Differential Susceptibility of Air Pollution and Environmental Noise in Barcelona, 2007–2014International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019, 16(18), 3470; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16183470 [Download]

Nicod, E; Maynou, L; Visintin, E; Cairns, J; "Why are there differences in HTA recommendations across countries? A parallel convergent mixed methods study." Health Economics, Policy and Law [forthcoming]

López-Casasnovas, G; García Alegre, E; "¿El concierto educativo es una oportunidad o una amenaza para la cohesión social?CRESWP#201905-116 [Download]

Rosselló Villalonga, J; López Casasnovas, G; "Is regional redistribution harmful for growth? An empirical analysis on the Spanish Autonomous Communities. 2002-2016" CRESWP#201905-115 [Download]

Pinilla, J., Rodriguez-Caro A."Differences in healthcare utilization between users and non-users of homeopathic products in Spain: results from three waves of the national health survey (2011-2017)" CRESWP#201904-114 [Download]

Garcia-Gomez, P., Hernandez, H. M., Lopez, G.; Vidiella-Martin, J; "Unravelling Hidden Inequities in a Universal Public Long-Term Care System."Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers, 11. [Download]

Maynou, L. and Cairns, J. (2019). "What is driving HTA decision-making? Evidence from cancer drug reimbursement decisions from 6 European countries.Health Policy,123(2):130-139. DOI:10.1016/j.healthpol.2018.11.003 [Download]

Hernández-Pizarro, HM; Nicodemo, C; López Casasnovas, G; "Discontinuous System of Allowances: the Response of Prosocial Health-Care ProfessionalsCRESWP#201903-112 [Download]

Rubashkin, N., Torres, C., Escuriet, R., & Dolores Ruiz-Berdún, M. (2019). "Just a little help": A qualitative inquiry into the persistent use of uterine fundal pressure in the second stage of labor in Spain. Birth (Berkeley, Calif.), 46(3), 517–522. https://doi.org/10.1111/birt.12424

Ortún, V; García-Altés, A; "Reformas pendientes en la organización de la actividad sanitaria"en Cuadernos  Económicos de ICE. 2018; Num. 96: 57-02; Sistema Nacional de Salud: retos y tareas pendientes tras la Gran Recesión. DOI:10.32796/cice.2018.96.6744 [Download]

Saez, M; Vidiella-Martin, J; López Casasnovas, G; "Impact of the great recession on selfperceived health in Spain: a longitudinal study with individual data" BMJ Open 2019;9:e023258. DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023258 [Download]


López Seguí, F; Pratdepadua Bufill, C; Abdon Gimenez, N; Martinez Roldan, J; Garcia Cuyas, F; "The Prescription of Mobile Apps by Primary Care Teams: A Pilot Project in Catalonia" JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2018;Vol 6, No 6 (2018): June. DOI:10.2196/10701[Download

Pifarré i Arolas, H. Dudel, Ch. "An Ordinal Measure of Population HealthSocial Indicators Research. First Online: 12 October 2018. DOI:10.1007/s11205-018-2010-4 [Download]

López Casasnovas, G. "Socioeconomic inequalities in health and the use of healthcare services in Catalonia: analysis of the individual data of 7.5 million residentsJournal of Epidemiology & Community Health 2018 (Epub  2018 Nov 02 ). DOI:10.1136/jech-2018-211360 [Download]

Vall Castelló, J. López-Casasnovas, G. "Impact of SSB taxes on consumption" CRESWP#201810-110 [New version 2019]

Caballería, L., Pera, G., Arteaga, I., Rodríguez, L., Alumà, A., Morillas, R.M., de la Ossa, N., Díaz, A., Expósito, C., Miranda, D., Sánchez, C., Prats, R.M., Urquizu, M., Salgado, A., Alemany, M., Martinez, A., Majeed, I., Fabrellas, N., Graupera, I., Planas, R., Ojanguren, I., Serra, M., Torán, P., Caballería, J., Ginès, P. "High Prevalence of Liver Fibrosis Among European Adults With Unknown Liver Disease: A Population-Based Study" (2018) Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 16 (7), pp. 1138-1145.e5. DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2017.12.048 [Download]

Campillo-Artero, C., Serra-Burriel, M., Calvo-Pérez, A. "Predictive modeling of emergency cesarean delivery"  (2018) PLoS ONE, 13 (1), art. no. e0191248. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0191248 [Download]

Richner-Wunderlin, S., Mannion, A.F., Vila-Casademunt, A., Pellise, F., Serra-Burriel, M., Seifert, B., Aghayev, E., Acaroglu, E., Alanay, A., Pérez-Grueso, F.J.S., Obeid, I., Kleinstück, F., European Spine Study Group (ESSG) "Factors associated with having an indication for surgery in adult spinal deformity: an international european multicentre study" (2018) European Spine Journal, . Article in Press. DOI: 10.1007/s00586-018-5754-2 [Download]

Martin Bassols, N. Vall Castello, J "Bar opening hours, alcohol consumption and workplace accidentsLabour Economics Volume 53, August 2018, Pages 172-181 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.labeco.2018.04.011 [Download]

Del Rey, E. Jimenez-Martin, S. Vall Castello, J. "Improving educational and labor outcomes through child labor regulationEconomics of Education Review. Volume 66, October 2018, Pages 51-66  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econedurev.2018.07.003 [Download]

Juanmarti Mestres, A. López-Casasnovas, G. Vall Castelló, J. "The deadly effects of losing health insuranceCRESWP#201809-104 [Download]

Marc Saez; Maria A Barceló; Mònica Farrerons; Guillem López-Casasnovas; "The association between exposure to environmental factors and the occurrence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A population-based retrospective cohort studyEnvironmental Research, Volume 166, October 2018, Pages 205-214 [Link]

C Campillo, V Ortún. "Professionals, Organizations and the Health System: Making Individually Attractive What is Socially Convenient." Revista Española de Cardiología. 2018.  [Link]

C Campillo, V Ortún. "The Clinical Decision: A Clue to Health Services Outcomes Everywhere." Revista Española de Cardiología. 2018. [Link]

Costa-Ramón, AM. Rodríguez-González, A. Serra-Burriel, M. Campillo-Artero, C. "It’s About Time: Cesarean Sections and Neonatal Health”  Journal of Health Economicshttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhealeco.2018.03.004

M. Larrosa, X. Surís, P. Sánchez-Ferrin, I. Bullich-Marin, E. Frigola-Capell, Vicente Ortún. "Association of orthogeriatric services with long-term mortality in patients with hip fractureEuropean Geriatric Medicine , Volume 9, Issue 2, pp 175–181 [Link]

Llaneza, C. Vall Castelló, J. "Economic evaluations on interventions to reduce road traffic injuries: A literature review" CRESWP#201804-111 [Download]

Marc Carreras, Pere Ibern, José María Inoriza "Ageing and healthcare expenditures: Exploring the role of individual health status" Health Economics Letter, February 2018, https://doi.org/10.1002/hec.3635

Serra Burriel, M. Manganelli, AG. López-Casasnovas, G. "Economic Analysis of the Efficiency of Valencian Hospital ConcessionsCRESWP#201803-109 [New version 2019]

Saez Zafra, M. Vidiella-Martin, J. López-Casasnovas, G. "Collateral Damages of the Great Crisis in Spain. A Longitudinal Health StudyCRESWP#201803-108 [Download]

Saez Zafra, M. López-Casasnovas, G. "Assessing the effects on health inequalities of differential exposure and differential susceptibility of environmental problems in Barcelona, 2007-2014.CRESWP#201803-107 [Download]

Balaguer Puig, M. López-Casasnovas, G. "Reforming the Welfare State for a fair allocation of public resources. Rights, need, merit and utility. A new Taxonomy." CRESWP#201803-106 [Download]

Jiménez Rubio, D. Vall Castelló, J. "Effects on utilisation, health and user satisfaction when access to health care is limited" CRESWP#201802-105 [Download]

López-Casasnovas, G. Kanavos P. "Controlling pharmaceutical expenditure and improving efficiency within the spanish pharmaceutical market. Macro - and micro-level policy approaches." CRESWP#201802-103 [Download]


López-Casasnovas, G. and Maynou, L.. (2017). "Inclusive economic growth for health equity: in search of the elusive evidence." In: Deeming, C. and ‎ Smyth, P. Reframing global social policy: social investment for sustainable and inclusive growth. Bristol: Policy Press. [link]

Vera-Monge V, García-Yu I, de-la-Cruz-Oré J, Atamari-Anahui N, Ortún-Rubio V. "Producción científica latinoamericana en economía de la salud, 2005-2014Salud Pública de México. 2017; 59(5): 505-506. [Download]

Palling, T. Vall Castelló, J. "Business cycle impacts on substance use of adolescents: A multi-country analysis"  Economics & Human Biology. Volume 27, Part A, November 2017, Pages 1-11. Doi: 10.1016/j.ehb.2017.04.005 [Download]

Silva, JI. Vall Castelló, J. "Partial Disability System and Labour Market Adjustment: The case of Spain". Labour Economics. Volumen:48, Pg: 23-34. DOI: 10.1016/j.labeco.2017.05.012 Oct. 2017.

Ortún V and Varela J. "Infra y sobreutilización. ¿Inventando problemas?Gestión Clínica y Sanitaria 2017; 19(3): 87-89. [Download]

Vall Castelló, J. "What happens to the employment of disabled individuals when all financial disincenives to work are abolished?Health Economics Volume 26, Issue Supplement S2. September 2017 Pages 158–174. DOI: 10.1002/hec.3533.

Miquel Serra; Anton-Giulio Manganelli; Guillem López-Casasnovas; "Un análisis económico de la eficiencia de las concesiones hospitalarias Valencianas." CRESWP#201711-102 [Download]

Fernando Fernandez; Dijana Zejcirovic; "Can Pharmaceutical Promotion to Physicians lead to Adverse Health Outcomes? Evidence from the Opioid Epidemic in the US" CRESWP#201711-101 [Download]

Marc Saez; Maria A Barceló; Mònica Farrerons; Guillem López-Casasnovas; "The association between exposure to environmental factors and the occurrence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A population-based case control study." CRESWP#201710-100  [Download]

López Casasnovas G, del Llano J.E., Gol Montserrat J., Pi Corrales G. "Colaboración Público-Privada en Sanidad: El modelo Alzira" Ed. Fundación Gaspar Casal; Madrid 2017 [Download]

Anna García-Altés, Guillem Lopez-Casasnovas, Dolores Ruiz-Muñoz "Equity concerns under fiscal restrain. The case of the Spanish Health care System in Catalonia" CRESWP#201710-99  [Download]

Ramón Escuriet, Laura García-Lausin, Isabel Salgado-Poveda, Rocio Casañas, Gemma Robleda, Olga Canet, Mercedes Pérez-Botella, Lucy Frith, Déirdre Daly, Maria J. Pueyo. "Midwives’ contribution to normal childbirth care: Cross-sectional study in public health settings, the MidconBirth Study protocolEuropean Journal of Midwifery 2017;1(September):4. DOI: http://doi.org/10.18332/ejm/76820

Bertoli P, Grembi V, Vall Castelló J, "Not All Silver Lining? The Great Recession and Road Traffic Accidents" CRESWP#201709-98 [Download]

Costa-Ramón AM, Rodríguez-González A, Serra-Burriel M, Campillo-Artero, c. "It’s About Time: Cesarean Sections and Neonatal Health" CRESWP#201709-94 [Download]

Escuriet R, Pueyo MJ, García-Lausín L, Obregón N, Pérez-Botella M et al. (2017) "Vaginal Delivery Care, Episiotomy Performance and Examination of Severe Perineal Tears: Cross-Sectional Study in 43 Public Hospitals." Obstet Gynecol Int J 7(6): 00270. DOI: 10.15406/ogij.2017.07.00270 [Download]

Martín Bassols, N. Vall Castelló, J. "Bar opening hours, alcohol consumption and workplace accidents". CRESWP#201707-97 [Download]

Abásolo, I. Saez, M. López-Casasnovas, G. "Financial crisis and income-related inequalities in the universal provision of a public service: the case of healthcare in Spain" International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:134 DOI 10.1186/s12939-017-0630-y [Download]

Monteverde, M. Pujol-Jover, M. Alemany, R. López Casasnovas, G."Población Mayor en Situación de Dependencia de la Argentina: Propuesta de Clasificación según Severidad basada en Datos Secundarios." Población y Salud en Mesoamérica (2017) Accepted. CRESWP#201706-96 [Forthcoming]

Reyes-Urueña J, Campbell C, Diez E, Ortún V, Casabona J. "Can we afford to offer pre-exposure prophylaxis to MSM in Catalonia? Cost-effectiveness analysis and budget impact assessment. "AIDS Care. 2017, DOI:10.1080/09540121.2017.1417528. 

Ollé, C. , Bosser, R. , Gispert, R. , Prat, N. , Magrinyà, P. , Coll, C. , Escuriet, R. , Tresserras, R. and Calaf, J. (2017) "Implementation and Follow-Up of Medical Abortion in Catalonia (2010-2014)". Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 7, 208-219. doi: 10.4236/ojog.2017.72022.

Harris, JE; Lopez-Valcarcel, BG; Barber, P; Ortun, V. "Allocation of residency training positions in Spain: Contextual effects on specialty preferences.HEALTH ECONOMICS Volumen: 26 Número: Páginas: 371-386, DOI: 10.1002/hec.3318; March 2017

Ortún V, "Cuando las pruebas dicen NO pero bastantes médicos –y muchos pacientes- dicen  SI.Gestión Clínica y Sanitaria 2017; 19(1): 14. Primavera 2017 ​[Download]

García-Altés A, López Casasnovas G, "Desigualdades socioeconómicas en salud: evidencias e interpretaciones." Gestión Clínica y Sanitaria 2017; 19(1):3-5 Primavera 2017 [Download]

Pueyo-Sanchez, MJ; Larrosa, M; Suris, X; Casado, E; Auleda, J; Fuste, J; Ortun, V. "Secular trend in the incidence of hip fracture in Catalonia, Spain, 2003-2014". AGE AND AGEING Volumen: 46 Número: 2 Páginas: 324-328. DOI: 10.1093/ageing/afw196; March 2017.



Maynou, L. and Saez, M. (2016). "Economic crisis and health inequalities: evidence from the European Union." International Journal for Equity in Health, 15(135). DOI: 10.1186/s12939-016-0425-6 [Download]

Maynou-Pujolràs, L. "Restrictive vs Non-Restrictive drug reimbursement systems: evidence from the European countries" CRESWP#201612-95 [Download]

López Casasnovas G, Nicodemo C. (2016). "Transition and Duration in Disability: A New Evidence from Administrative Data.Disability and Health Journal, 9(1): 26-36. 

Maynou-Pujolràs L, Saez M, López-Casasnovas G "Has the economic crisis widened the intra-urban socioeconomic inequalities in mortality? The case of Barcelona, Spain.Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2016; 70(2):114-124.

Campillo-Artero C; Ortun-Rubio V. "Cost-effectiveness Analysis: Why and How.Revista española de cardiología (English ed.) 69, 370-3 Abril,2016(Epub 2016 Mar 04)

Harris J, González López-Valcárcel B, Barber P, Ortún V. "Allocation of Residency Training Positions in Spain: Contextual Effects of Specialty Preferences.Health Economics 2016, published online, doi: 10.1002/hec.3318.

Campillo-Artero COrtún V. "Sustainability of the Health System: Beyond Cost-effectiveness Analyses. Response" [Sostenibilidad del sistema sanitario: más allá de los análisis de coste-efectividad. Respuesta]. Revista Espanola de Cardiologia 69(9), pp. 881. 2016.

Campillo-Artero C, Ortún V. "Cost-effectiveness analysis: Why and how.Revista Española de Cardiología. 2016, published online, doi:10.1016/j.recesp.2016.01.013

Ortún V. "El disseny institucional de l'avaluació económica." Nota d'Economia, 106, 23-36, 2016.

Ortún-Rubio V, López-Valcárcel B G, Pinilla J, ”Tax on sugar sweetened beverages in Spain.” [El impuesto sobre bebidas azucaradas en España]. Revista española de salud pública 90. p1-3, octubre 2016.

Silva, J.I., Vall Castelló, J. "Partial Disability System and Labor Market Adjustment: The Case of Spain". Revise and Resubmit in Labour Economics, 2017.

Peña Longobardo, L.M., Aranda Reneo, I., Oliva-Moreno, J., Vall Castello, J. "Evaluación de las pérdidas laborales provocadas por enfermedades y lesiones en España en el año 2009", Revista de Evaluación de Programas y Políticas Públicas, 6, pp.66-85, 2016.

Cervini-Plá,M; Silva, JI; Vall Castelló, J; "Estimating the income loss of disabled individuals: the case of Spain" Empirical Economics September 2016, Volume 51, Issue 2, pp 809-829 [Link]

García-Gallegoa, A;  Georgantzis, N; Jaber-López, T; Staffierof, G; "An experimental study on the effect of co-payment in public services" Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2016) [Link]

López-Casasnovas, G; Saez-Zafra, M; "Age and health inequality under the health paradox hypothesis" CRESWP#201605-93 [Download]

Nicolau Martin Bassols, N; Vall Castelló, J; "Effects of the great recession on drugs consumption in Spain" CRESWP#201605-92 [Download]

Alacevich,C; Tarozzi, A; "Child Height and Intergenerational Transmission of Health: Evidence from Ethnic Indians in England" CRESWP#201604-91 [Download]

Manganelli, A-G; "Cartel Pricing Dynamics with Reference-Dependent Preferences" CRESWP#20160390 [Download]

Manganelli, A-G; "Reverse Payments and Patent Strength under Asymmetric Information *"CRESWP#201603-89 [Download]

Manganelli, A-G; "Reverse Payments and Risk of Bankruptcy under Private Information *"CRESWP#201603-88 [Download]            

López-Casasnovas, G; "Innovar para la mejora del sistema sanitario" en el Libro "Innovación y solvencia: cara y cruz de la sostenibilidad del sistema sanitario español" Fundación Gaspar Casal 2016; capítulo 2 pag 29-47 [Download]

López-Casasnovas, G; González López Valcárcel, B; "El sistema sanitario en España, entre lo que no acaba de morir y lo que no termina de nacer" [Download

López-Casasnovas, G; "La LOSC vint-i-cinc anys després" Annals de Medicina 2016;99: 20-22. [Download]


Campillo, C; Ibern, P; "Framing an integrated and adaptive regulatory overhaul of medical technologies: A regulatory science and health economics perspective" CRESWP #201512-87 [Download]  
Ibern, P; "La regulació de proves diagnòstiques i biomarcadors: Una assignatura pendent" CRESWP #201512-86 [Download]

Christelis, D; Dimitris Georgarakos, D; Sanz-de-Galdeano, A: "The Impact of Health Insurance on Stockholding: A Regression Discontinuity Approach#" CRESWP #201511-85 [Download

López-Casasnovas, G; "El redisseny de la política social en una etapa de crisi econòmica" Anuari [Societat Catalana d'Economia], vol. 21 (2015), p. 125-129DOI: 10.2436/20.3003.01.63 [Download]

García-Gallego A, Georgantzis N, Staffiero G, Jaber López T. "An experimental study on the effect of co-payment in public services" CRESWP #201501-83 [Download]

Meneu R, Ortún V. "The Keys to Open Access". Gaceta Sanitaria 2015; 29(4): 319-20. [Download]

González López Valcárcel B, Ortún V. "Pals don't evaluate pals...or do they?" Revista Española de Salud  Pública 2015; 89: 119-12. [Download]

Escuriet R et al. "Is the practice of episiotomy changing? A cross-sectional study comparing public and private hospitals en Catalonia freom 2007 to 2012".  BMC Health Services Research 2015; 15: 95. [Link]

Escuriet et al. "Impact of maternity care policy in Catalonia. A retrospective study of service delivery in public and private hospitals". BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2015; 15:23. [Download]

D Dávila, BG López-Valcárcel, P Barber y V Ortún. "El baremo académico en el acceso a la formación médica especializada en España". FEM, Revista de la Fundación de Educación Médica 2015; 18(3): 219-24[Download]

López-Casasnovas G, Pifarré Arolas H, Udina F "Limited budgets and equality of opportunity in health", 2015 [Download]

López Casasnovas, G and Nicodemo, C "Transition and Duration in Disability: a New Evidence from Administrative Data", Disability and Health Journal [Download]

Mujasi and Puig-Junoy, J "What variables should be considered in allocating Primary health care Pharmaceutical budgets to districts in Uganda?"  Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (2015)8:3 DOI 10.1186/s40545-014-0023-1 [Download]

Mujasi and Puig-Junoy, J "Predictors of primary health care pharmaceutical expenditure by districts in Uganda and implications for budget setting and allocationBMC Health Services Research (2015)15:334 DOI 10.1186/s12913-015-1002-1 [Download]

Puig-Junoy, J and B González Lopez-Valcarcel Resum de l'article "Launch prices for new pharmaceuticals in the heavily regulated and subsidized Spain market, 1995-2007Economía y Salud, Boletín Informativo Asociación Economía de la Salud. 2015: 83. [Download]

Puig-Junoy, J and González Lopez-Valcarcel, B and Rodríguez-Feijoó, S "An evaluation of pharmaceutical co-payment reforms in Spain". European Pharmaceutical Review VOLUME 20 ISSUE 4  2015. [Download]

López-Casasnovas, G. "La transparencia en las propuestas de política económica: El caso de Holanda." Colección Health Policy Papers 2015-08 (2015). [Download]

Hill MJ, Silva J, Vall J. "Act now: The effects of the 2008 Spanish Disability Reform". CRESWP #201501-83 [Download]

López-Casasnovas, G. "El sistema sanitario en España. Relato de un futuro abierto". Colección Health Policy Papers 2015-07 (2015). [Download]

López-Casasnovas, G. "Las prestaciones sanitarias en los sistemas públicos". Colección Health Policy Papers 2015-06 (2015). [Download]

Puig-Junoy, J, P García and D Casado. "Free medicines thanks to retirement: impact of coinsurance exemption on pharmaceutical expenditures and hospitalization offsets in an NHS" Health Economics, 2015. [Download]

Puig-Junoy, J and A Ruiz. "Socio-economic costs of osteoarthritis: a systematic review of cost-of-illness studies". Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 2015: 44(5). [Link]

López-Casasnovas. "Recetas para la sanidad y para el pacto sanitario". Policy Papers 2015-09 (2015). [Download]

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Catalá-López, F, G Sanfélix-Gimeno, M Ridao, and S Peiró. "Trends of uncontrolled blood pressure in Spain: an updated meta-regression analysis.Journal of Hypertension 31.3 (2013):630-631

Catalá-López, F, G Sanfélix-Gimeno, M Ridao, and S Peiró. "When Are Statins Cost-Effective in Cardiovascular Prevention? A Systematic Review of Sponsorship Bias and Conclusions in Economic Evaluations of Statins.Plos One 8.7 (2013):e69462.  

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Catalá-López, F, R Gènova-Maleras, M Ridao, E Alvarez, G Sanfélix-Gimeno, C Morant, and S Peiró. "Burden of disease assessment with summary measures of population health for the Region of Valencia, Spain: a population-based study.Medicina Clínica 140.8 (2013):343-350.

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Felgueroso, F, M Guitérrez, and S Jiménez-Martín. "Why School Dropout Remained so High in the last two decades? The role of the educational law (LOGSE)". IZA Journal of Labor Policy. (forthcoming 2014).

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Gotsens, M,  M Marí-Dell'olmo , K Pérez, L Palència, Ma Martínez-Beneito, M Rodríguez-Sanz, B Burström, G Costa,  P Deboosere, F Domínguez-Berjón, D Dzúrova, A Gandarillas, R Hoffmann, K Kovacs,  C Marinacci, P Martikainen, H Pikhert, K Rosicova, M Saez, P Santana, J Riegelnig, C Schwierz, L Tarkiainen, and C Borrel. "Socioeconomic Inequalities In Injury Mortality In Small Areas Of 15 European Cities: A Multicenter Ineq-Cities Project Using Spatial Analysis." Health & Place 24 (2013):165-172.

Hurtado, I, G Sanfélix-Gimeno, C Baixauli-Pérez, S Peiró, and J Sanfélix-Genovés. "Impact on the population of different Bone Mineral Density testing criteria and appropriateness of densitometries in the ESOSVAL cohort, Spain.Jounal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (2013) [online].

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Moro Valdezate, D, S Peiró, E Buch-Villa, A Caballero-Gárate, MD Morales-Monsalve, A Martínez-Agulló, F Checa-Ayet, and J Ortega-Serrano. "Evolution of Health-Related Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients during the First Year of Follow-Up.Journal of Breast Cancer 16.1 (2013):104-111.

Navarro-Pérez, J, S Peiró, F Brotons-Munto, E López-Alcina, A Real-Romaguera por el Grupo de trabajo del Programa de formación e investigación en hiperplasia benigna de próstata de la Comunidad Valenciana). "Indicadores de calidad en hiperplasia benigna de próstata. Un estudio cualitativo.Atención Primaria (2013) [online].

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Sanfélix-Gimeno,  G, I Ferreros, R Pérez-Vicente, J Librero, F Catalá-López, and S Peiró. "Adherence to evidence-based therapies after discharge among patients with acute coronary syndromes. A retrospective population-based study linking health information systems in Valencia, Spain.Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy 19.3 (2013):247-257.

Sanfélix-Gimeno,  G, J Sanfélix-Genovés, CL Rodriguez-Bernal, S Peiró, and I Hurtado. "Prevalence, determinants and inappropriateness of calcium supplementation among men and women in a Spanish Mediterranean area. Cross-sectional data from the ESOSVAL cohort.Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 28.11 (2013):2286-94.

Sanfélix-Gimeno, G, J Sanfelix-Genovés, I Hurtado, B Reig-Molla, and S Peiró. "Vertebral fracture risk factors in postmenopausal women over 50 in Valencia, Spain. A population-based cross-sectional study." Bone 52.1 (2013):393-399.

Santos-Ramos, B, R Fernández-Fernández, R Marín-Gil, M Espinosa-Bosch, S Peiró, C Pérez-Guerrero, and J Bautista-Paloma. "Use of monoclonal antibodies for metastatic colorectal cancer in the Andalusian public health system.International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 35.4 (2013):550-553.

Saurina, C, B Bragulat, M Saez, and G López-Casasnovas. "A conditional model for estimating suicides associated with the 2008-10 economic recession in England: new sight." Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 67.9 (2013): 779-787.

Trapero-Bertran, M, H Mistry, J Shen, and J Fox-Rushby. "A systematic review and meta-analysis of WTP values: the case of malaria control interventions." Health Economics 22.4 (2013): 428-450.

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Felgueroso, F,  M Gutiérrez-Domenech, y S Jiménez-Martín. "¿Por qué el abandono escolar se ha mantenido tan elevado en España en las últimas dos décadas? El papel de la Ley de Educación (LOGSE)." FEDEA Economic Reports 02-2013(febrer 2013). [link]

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García-Gómez, P, S Jiménez-Martín, and  J Vall-Castelló. "Financial incentives, health and retirement in Spain."FEDEA Working Papers 2013-12 (novembre 2013). [link]

Jiménez-Martín, S, and C Vilaplana Prieto. "Do Spanish informal caregivers come to the rescue of dependent people with formal care unmet needs?" Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Economics Working Paper 1366  (maig 2013). [link]

Jiménez-Martín, S, and C Vilaplana Prieto. "Informal Care and intergenerational transfers in European Countries." FEDEA Working Papers 2013-25 (desembre 2013). [link]

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López-Valcárcel BG, Ortún V, Harris J, Barber P, García B. "Ranking Spain's medical schools by their performance in the national residency program." Rev Clin Esp 2013: 213(9). 428-34. [Download]

Ortún V, Meneu R. "Drug development and health care innovation in the European Mezzogiorno." Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 2013: 113 (Suppl. 2). 4-6. [Download]

Harris J, López-Valcárcel BG, Ortún V, Barber P. "Specialty choice in times of economic crisis: a cross-sectional survey of Spanish medical students." BMJ Open 2013: 3. [Download]

Ortún V. "Primary Care at the Crossroads." Gaceta Sanitaria 2013:27(3). 193-195. [Download]

Ortún V. "Gestión pública-gestión privada de la Sanidad en España. Vías de avance." Economía y Salud. Boletín Informativo Asociación Economía de la Salud. 2013, nº 76.  [Download]

Ortún V. "Nursing in the world to come"Enfermería Clínica 2013: 23(2). 45-7  [Download]

Ortún V. "La decencia es sostenible. También en la componente sanitaria del Estado del Bienestar." El Referent. Papers de la Fundació Unió 2013: 12(noviembre). 72-75. [Download]

López-Casasnovas,  G. GPS per a una (no senzilla) reforma de les administracions públiques. Revista catalana de dret públic. Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya, desembre 2013. [Link]

López-Casasnovas, G. Reformant les AA.PP. Memòria de la Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona. 2013.

López Casasnovas G. Reconsideraciones de las políticas fiscales y las responsabilidades en salud. Una nota. Estudios de Economía Aplicada. Vol 31 (2), pp. 327-332, 2013. [Download]

López-Casasnovas G. "Buscando los términos justos del interfaz público-privado en la reforma del estado del bienestar. ¿Qué deberia cubrir la protección social?". Presupuesto y Gasto Público #71 (2013). [link]

Rodríguez, M and J Puig-Junoy. "Cuando hay que pagar, a veces lo urgente puede esperar." Emergencias (2013):25.6 491-494. [Download]

Carreras, M, P Ibern, J Coderch, I Sánchez,  and JM Inoriza. "Estimating lifetime healthcare costs with morbidity data BMC." Health Services Research (2013)13:440. [link]

Puig-Junoy, J, S Rodríguez-Feijoó and B G López-Valcárcel. "Avaluació de l’impacte de les reformes en el copagament farmacèutic a Catalunya." AQuAS - Central de Resultats Monogràfics 26/13 (2013). [link]

López-Casasnovas, G. "¿Cambia la fiscalidad los hábitos de vida? Impuestos para luchar contra la obesidad". Rev Esp Salud Pública (2013): 87 (6).  [Link]

O’Neill, P, J Mestre-Ferrandiz, R Puig-Peiro, and J Sussex. "Projecting expenditures on medicines in the UK NHS." PharmacoEconomics (2013): 31.10. 933-957 [Link]

Puig-Junoy, J, S Rodríguez-Feijoó, and B G López-Valcárcel. "Paying for formerly Free Medicines in Spain: Dramatic Prescription Drops, Looking for Unanswered Questions." CRES Working Paper 201307-76 (July 2013). [Download]

López-Casasnovas, G, J Gil, and T Mora. "Taxation of unhealthy consumption food and drinks: an updated literature review." CRES Working Paper 201306-75 (June 2013). [Download]

Sanz-de-Galdeano, A, D Georgarakos, and D Christelis. "The impact of Health Insurance on Stockholding: A Regression Discontinuity Approach."   CRES Working Paper 201306-74 (June 2013).

Bosch, J, A Regueiro, and M Sabaté. "Análisis Coste-Efectividad de la implantación de redes de atención del infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST." CRES Workin Paper 201306-73 (June 2013). [Download]

Saurina, C, B Bragulat, M Saez, and G López-Casasnovas. "Suicides associated with the 2008-10 economic recession in England: new sight." CRES Working Paper 201305-72 (May 2013). [Download] (forthcoming: Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health)

López-Casasnovas, G. "¿Cambia la fiscalidad los estilos de vida? Impuestos para luchar contra la obesidad." Revista Española de Salud Pública (2013)87:6. 541-548. Also as: CRES Working Paper 201305-71 (Mayo 2013). [Download]

López-Casasnovas, G, and M Soley-Bory. "The socioeconomic determinants of health: economic growth and health in the OECD countries during the last three decades." CRES Working Paper 201305-70 (May 2013). [Download]

López-Casasnovas, G. et al. "Informe de la comissió d'experts per a la reforma de l'administració pública i el seu sector públic." (Maig 2013). [Download]

O'Neill, P, J Mestre-Ferrandiz, R Puig-Peiro, and J Sussex. "Projecting Expenditure on Medicines in the NHS." Research Paper 13/02. Office of Health Economics (London).[Link]

López-Casasnovas, G. "Buscant els termes justos del debat Sanitat Pública-Sanitat Privada." CRES-UPF Working Paper 201303-68 (Març 2013). [Download]

López-Casasnovas, G. "Crisis Económica, regresión en renta y desigualdades en salud." CRES-UPF Working Paper 201303-69 (Març 2013). [Download]
Borrel, JR, C Jiménez and Garcia. "Evaluating Antitrust Leniency Programs." Journal of Competition Law and Economics (2013)10: 107-136.

Borre,l JR, and C Cassó. "Pharmacies" in A. Culyer (Ed) Encyclopedia of Health Economics (forthcoming).


Amado E, Diego L, Ortún V. "Mejorar la calidad asistencial no implica financiar públicamente cualquier medicamento." Atención Primaria 2012: 44. 187-9. [Download]

Eirea C, Ortún V. "Financial incentives for improving the quality of care." Gaceta Sanitaria 2012: 26(S). 102-106.[Download] 

Ortún V. "El seny necessari per aplicar les teories econòmiques a la salut." Annals de Medicina 2012: 95 (supl. 2). S271-72. [Download]

Ortún V, Callejón M. Crisis en España: "¿Cómo renovar los servicios sanitarios?" En J Casajuana and J Gérvas (dir): La renovación de la atención primaria desde la clínica. Madrid: Springer, 2012. p 157-174. Reviewed by Gaceta Sanitaria 2014: 28(1).91. [Download]

Pokhrel, S., Owen, L., Lester-George, A., Coyle, K., Coyle D., Trapero-Bertran M. Tobacco Control Return on Investment Tool. 2012. London: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. [Link]

O'Neill, P., Mestre-Ferrandiz, J., Puig-Peiró, R. (2012) International Comparisons of Medicines Prices: 2011 Indices. Consulting Report. London: Office of Health Economics. [Download]

Valldeoriola, F., Puig-Junoy, J., Puig-Peiró, R., et al (2012). Cost Analysis of the Treatments for Patients with Complicated Parkinson's Disease: SCOPE Study. Journal of Medical Economics.

Towse, A., Garrison, L. and Puig-Peiró, R. (2012) The use of pay for peformance, risk sharing and conditional reimbursement to improve incentives. In Garcia, W. Incentives for R&D in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry. Ed Vicente Ortun. Barcelona: Springer Healthcare.

Towse, A., Garrison, L. and Puig-Peiró, R. (2012) The use of pay-for-performance for drugs: Can it improve incentives for innovation? Occassional Paper. 12/01. London: Office of Health Economics [Download]

Guillem López-Casasnovas, Laia Cirera i Crivillé, Marina Soley i Bori: Análisis comparativo de los servicios de atención a la dependencia en España y Suecia. Documentos de Trabajo CRES, febrero 2012. [Download]

Guillem López-Casasnovas, Catia Nicodemo: Transition probabilities and duration analysis among disability states: some evidence from Spanish data. Barcelona GSE Working paper 643, junio 2012.[Download]

López-Casasnovas, G; Pellisé, L. El Sistema Sanitario y de Dependencia:Situación y perspectivas. Documento de Trabajo CRES 201210-66. [Download]

Guillem López-Casasnovas, Catia Nicodemo, Helena M. Hernández-Pizarro: Long Term Care: evidence from policy implementation Documentos de Trabajo CRES, noviembre 2012.[Download] 

Garcia, J.;  Raya, J.M.: Which Are the Real Determinants of Tenure? A Comparative Analysis of Different Models of the Tenure Choice of a House, Urban Studies, 49, 3645-3662, 2012.

Puig-Junoy, J.Do Higher-Priced Generic Medicines Enjoy a Competitive Advantage Under Reference Pricing? Applied Health Ecoomics and Health Policy. [link]

Viegas Andrade, M; Flàvia, C;Rodrigues de Souza, L; Puig-Junoy, J. Income transfer policies and the impacts on the immunization of children: the Bolsa Família Program. Cad. Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, 28(7):1347-1358, jul, 2012.[Download]

Jaume Puig i Beatriz González López-Valcárcel: Launching prices for new pharmaceuticals in heavily regulated and subsidized markets. Barcelona GSE Working Papers nº638.

Juan, P. Mateue, J, & Saez, M.: Pimpointing Spatial-Termporal Interactions in Wildfrires Patterns. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA) 2012; 26:1131-1150.

Saez, M. et al.: Rapid Increase in Detection Rate of Breast Ductal Carcionama in situ in Girona, spain 1983-2007.Breast 2012; 21(5):646-651.

Saez, M. et al.: Development of an Automated System to Classify Retinal Vessels into Arteries and Veins. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2012;   108(1):367-376.

Saurina, C. Valloresa, L. & Saez, M.: Factors Determining Access to and Use of Primary Health Care Services in the Girona Health Region. European Journal of Health Economics 2012, 13(4):419-427.

Saez, M. et al.: Sociodemographic Factors and Clinical conditions Associated to Hospitalization in Influenza A(H1N1) 2009 Virus Infected Patients in Spain, 2009-2010PloS ONE 2012; 7(3).

Saez, M. et al.: Prognosis of Hospitalized Patients with 2009 H1N1 Influenza in Spain: Influence of Neuraminidase Inhibitors.The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2012; 67(7):1739-1745.

Saez, M. et al.: Spatial Variability in Relative Survival from Female Breast Cancer. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 2012; 175(1):107-134.

Garcia, P., Van Kippersluis, H.,  O´Donnell, O. & Van Doorslaer, E.: Effects of health on own and spousal employment and income using acute hospital admissions. Journal of Human Resources (forthcoming).[Link]

Garcia, P. & Luzczak: Financial burden of drug expenditures in Poland. Health Policy. 2012, 105: 256-264. [Link].

Garcia, P. et al.: Inequity in the face of death. TI Discussion Paper 11-143/2. [Link].

Labeaga, J.M., Oliva, J. & Garcia, P.: Employment and wages of people living with HIV/AIDS. UNU-MERIT Working Paper Series 2012-043. [Donwload].

Jiménez-Martin, S., Vall-Castelló, J. & Garcia, P.: Health, disability and pathways into retirement in Spain. In Social Security Programs around theWorld: Historical Trends in Mortality and Health, Employment, and Disability Insurance Participation and Reform. DA Wise, ed. University of Chicago Press. 2012. [Link].

Bosch, J. et al.: El peso económico del deporte en Cataluña en 2006. Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 2012, vol. 30(2):655-682.

Meneu, R.: Aspectos y cuestiones de la salud pública susceptibles de una particular y específica consideración ética. Cuadernos de la Fundación Grífols y Lucas, 2012, 27.

González López-Valcárcel, B. & Meneu, R.: El gasto que está triste y azul. Debe preocupar más la salud que el gasto sanitario. Budgetary blues: more is not always better.  Gaceta Sanitaria, 2012, 26(2):176.

Peiró, S. Meneu, R. & Sanfélix-Gimeno, G.: La prescripción farmacéutica en atención primaria. Informe SESPAS 2012. Gaceta Sanitaria, 2012, 26(s):41.

López Nicolás, A. Cobacho Tornel, B. & Fernández, E. The Spanish Tobacco Tax Loopholes and Their Consequences. Tobacco Control. Tob Control tobaccocontrol-2011-050344 Published Online First: 23 May 2012. [Link].

Hernansanz, F., Clavería,A. &  Gérvas, J.:Informe SESPAS 2012: Atención Primaria: Evidencias, experiencias y tendencias en clínica, gestión y política sanitaria. Gac Sanit.2012; 26(Supl.1) :1.

Hernansanz, F., et al.: The future of the National Health System and its bedrock, primary care. SESPAS Report, 2012. Gac Sanit.2012; 26(Supl.1) :3-5.

Hernansanz Iglesias, F.: ¿Recibimos demasiada asistencia? ¿Innecesaria? Algunos elementos para no perderse en el debate de la reasignación. En: J. Casajuana y J Gérvas, coordinadores. La renocación de la atención primaria desde la consulta. Madrid: Springer Healthcare; 2012.

González López-Valcárcel, B. et al.: Interventions to reduce antibiotic prescription for lower respiratory tract infections: Happy Audit study. European Respiratory Journal, 2012 40: 436-41.

González López-Valcárcel, B et al.:  C-reactive protein testing in patients with acute rhinosinusitis leads to a reduction in antibiotic use. Family Practice 2012; 0:1-6.

González López-Valcárcel, B. & Sosa Henriquez, M.: Estimación del riesgo de fractura osteoporótica a 10 años para la población española. Medicina Clinica (forthcoming)

González López-Valcárcel &  Barber Pérez: Planificación y formación de profesionales sanitarios, con foco en la atención primaria. Informe SESPAS 2012. Gac Sanit.2012 26(S): 46-51.

Pérez-Rodríguez J.V. &  González López-Valcárcel, B.: Does innovation in obesity drugs affect stock markets? An event study analysis. Gac Sanit. 2012;26(4):352-359.

Urbanos Garrido, R.,  González López-Valcárcel, B. & Puig Junoy, J.: La crisis económica llega a la sanidad pública. Economistas 131, 2012 Año XXX EXTRA.

Gonzalez Lopez-Valcarcel, B.: Los recortes presupuestarios a los hospitales ¿aumentan la mortalidad de los ingresados por infarto agudo de miocardio? Gestión Clínica y Sanitaria 13(4): 137.

Jiménez, S. & Vilaplana, C.: Trade-off between Formal and Informal Care in Spain. European Journal of Health Economics, 2012, 13(4): 461. [Link]

Jiménez, S. & Vilaplana, C.: La atención a la dependencia en España. La interacción entre el sistema social y el sanitario. Gaceta Sanitaria, 2012: SESPAS report, 26(s1):124.

Garcia-Alegre, E. & Campo, M.: ¿La corresponsabilidad es una estrategia de éxito? Revista Educación, Número extraordinario 2012, pp. 220-248. [Link]


García-Altés A, Pinilla J, Ortún V. "The evolution of health status and chronic conditions in Catalonia, 1994-2006: the paradox of health revisited using the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition." BMC Health Services Research 2011: 11.116.[Download]

Ortún V. "En torno al aseguramiento sanitario privado." Atención Primaria 2011: 43(9). 457-8. [Download] 

Meneu R, Ortún V. "Transparencia y buen gobierno en Sanidad. También para salir de la crisis." Gaceta Sanitaria2011: 25(4). 333-8. [Download] .

Ortún V. "Atención Primaria y gestión: pleonasmo conceptual y oxímoron práctico." Medicina General 2011: 140. 516-525. [Download]  

Barber P, González López-Valcárcel B, Ortún V. "¿Por qué los médicos huyen y rehuyen la medicina de familia? Datos y claves sobre el problema en busca de soluciones." En V Ortún (dir): La refundación de la atención primariaMadrid: Springer, 2011, p 37-51. [Download]

Gispert R, Ortún V. "Impacto de las intervenciones sanitarias sobre los resultados en salud de la población: Una reflexión sobre los indicadores de la mortalidad evitable." En: Treinta años del Sistema Sanitario Español (1981-2011). Treinta años de la Federación de Asociaciones para la Defensa de la Sanidad Pública. Luis Palomo (Coordinador). Madrid: FADSP, 2011, p 27-38. [Download]

Ortún V. Presentación de J Prades y Josep M Borrás (dir): "La Organización de la Atención Multidisciplinar en Cáncer."Barcelona: Masson-Elsevier, 2011.

Trapero-Bertran M, Pokhrel S, Trueman P. An economic model of tobacco control version 1. Tobacco Free Futures, Fresh Smoke Free North East & Smokefree South West. December 2011. [Link]

Acera A, Rodriguez A, Trapero-Bertran M, Soteras P, Sanchez N, Bonet JM, et al. Economic evaluation of three populational screening strategies for cervical cancer in the county of Valles Occidental: CRICERVA clinical trial.BMC Health Services Research, 2011;11:278.

Berenguera A, Pujol-Ribera E, Rodriguez-Blanco T, Violan C, Casajuana M, de Kort N and Trapero-Bertran M. Study protocol of cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of a biopsychosocial multidisciplinary intervention in the evolution of non-specific sub-acute low back pain in the working population: cluster randomised trialBMC Musculoskeletal Disorders2011; 12:194. doi:10.1186/1471-2474-12-194

Trapero-Bertran M. Estudios socioeconómicos en cirugía ortopédica. Ed. Basora-Macaya M, Colomina-Soler MJ. Anestesia en cirugía ortopédica y en traumatología. 2011. Editorial Medica Panamericana.

O'Neill, P., Devlin, N., and Puig-Peiró, R. (2011) Time trends in NICE HTA decisions. OHE Consulting Report. London: Office of Health Economics. [Download]

David Cantarero Prieto, Patricia Moreno Mencia: Dependencia y empleo: las personas con limitaciones con iniciativa propia para integrarse laboralmente, a partir del análisis empírico de la (EDAD) 2008Documentos de Trabajo Fundación CASER-CRES nº2, febrero 2011[Download]

Guillem López-Casasnovas: La Ley de Autonomía y Dependencia. Un análisis crítico y recomendaciones para mejorar su aplicación futura. Documentos de Trabajo Fundación CASER-CRES nº3, marzo 2011.[Download]

Pilar García-Gómez, Sergi Jiménez-Martín, Cristina Vilaplana-Prieto: Trade-off entre cuidados formales e informales en EuropaDocumentos de Trabajo Fundación CASER-CRES nº4, mayo 2011.[Download]

Cristina Vilaplana-PrietoEl copago en las prestaciones económicas de la Ley de DependenciaDocumentos de Trabajo Fundación CASER-CRES nº5, junio 2011.[Download]

Guillem López-Casasnovas, Catia Nicodemo:La reorientación de la Ley de Dependencia. Propuestas para una nueva agenda. Documentos de Trabajo Fundación CASER-CRES nº6, diciembre 2011.[Download]

Carlos Bozzoli and Climent Quintana-Domeque: "The Weight of the Crisis: Evidence From Newborns in Argentina".Working Paper nº 67 . Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Jaume Puig-Junoy, Ivan Moreno & Josep M Raya: The impact of repeated cost containment policies on pharmaceutical expenditure: experience in Spain. European Journal of Health Economics 2011; 12(6): 563-573.

Badillo, L. & López-Nicolás, A.: Self control and support for anti smoking policies among smokers, ex smokers and never smokers. European Journal of Health Economics, 2011.

Lourdes Badillo Amador, Ángel López Nicolás and Luis Vila: The Consequences on Job Satisfaction of Job-Worker Educational and Skill Mismatches in the Spanish Labour Market: a Panel Analysis. Applied Economics Letters, 2011.

Casado Marín, D., García-Gómez, P. & López-Nicolás, A.: Informal care and labour force participation among middle-aged women in Spain. SERIES Journal of the Spanish Economics Association Vol 2 (1) (2011) pp. 1-29. [Link]

Ortún, V. & Callejón, M.: La Reforma Sanitaria. Crisis y Reformas de la Economía Española, 2012, 133. [Link].


Llorca F, Ortún V. "Mortalidad innecesariamente prematura y sanitariamente evitable en Costa Rica. ¿Favorece a ricos o a pobres?" Revista Española de Salud Pública 2010; 84(6): 771-788. [Download].

González López-Valcárcel B, Ortún V. "Putting health in all welfare policies: Is it warranted? A southern European perspective." Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2010; 64: 497-99. [Download]

Bernal E, Ortún V. "La calidad del sistema nacional de salud: base de su deseabilidad y sostenibilidad." Gaceta Sanitaria 2010; 24(3): 254-58.  [Download]. 

Urbanos R en nombre del Grupo de Trabajo SESPAS sobre una futura Ley de Salud Pública. "Recomendaciones para una futura Ley de Salud Pública en España." Gaceta Sanitaria 2010; 24(1): 89-94. [Download]. 

Peiró S, Librero J, Ridao M, Bernal E y Grupo de Variaciones en la Práctica Médica del SNS. "Variabilidad en la utilización de los servicios de urgencia hospitalarios del Sistema Nacional de Salud." Gaceta Sanitaria, 2010; 24(1): 6-12. [Download].

Borrell F, Carballo F, Gadea I, Gérvas J, Gracia D (dir), Matesanz R, Ortún V, Rodríguez-Sendín JJ (dir), Seoane JA, Solla M."Ética de los incentivos a profesionales sanitarios."   Madrid: Fundación Ciencias de la Salud y Ergon, 2010. [Download]

J. Puig-Junoy (2010), Impact of European Pharmaceutical Price Regulation on Generic Price Competition. A Review. Pharmacoeconomics; 28(8):649-663.[Download]   

J. Puig-Junoy, I. Moreno-Torres (2010), Do Generic Firms and the Spanish Public Purchaser Respond to Consumer Price Differences of Generics Under Reference Pricing. Health Policy, 98: 186-194. [Download

J. López-Bastida, J. Oliva, F. Antoñanzas, A. García-Altés, R. Gisbert, J. Mar, Puig-Junoy (2010), Spanish recommendations on economic evaluation of health technologies. European Journal of Health Economics, 11: 513-520.  [Download

Guillem López Casasnovas, Raúl del Pozo Rubio: La protección social de los problemas de dependencia en España. Documentos de Trabajo Fundación CASER-CRES nº1, diciembre 2010.[Download]

Beatriz González López-Valcárcel and Vicente Ortún "Putting health in all policies: The National Institute for Welfare Enhancement". Economics Working Paper 1219. Working Paper nº 64 . Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Mestre-Ferrandiz, J., Puig-Peiró, R. and Towse, A. (2010) Researching the relative efficacy and relative effectiveness of medicines across Europe. OHE Consulting Report. London: Office of Health Economics.[Download]


Ortún V. "Políticas de salud: Fundamentos y coste-efectividad." Revista Española de Salud Pública 2009; 83(1): 1-7.[Download]. 

Callejón M, Ortún V. "La Caja Negra de la Dinámica Empresarial." Investigaciones Regionales 2009; 15: 167-89. [Download] 

Ortún V (Presidente Grupo Expertos), Casajuana J, Clavería A, Domínguez M, Garnelo L, Gérvas J, Maíz C, Martín M, Prieto A, Rey J, Rivera I, Rguez-Iglesias FJ, Solla JM, Vaamonde P. "Propuesta de transformación de la atención primaria en Galicia. Informe técnico." Santiago de Compostela: FEGAS, 2009. [Download]

Gual A, Pardell H, Oriol-Bosch A et al. "El médico del futuro." Barcelona: Fundación de Educación Médica, 2009. [Download]

Manuel García-Goñi, Pere Ibern and José María Inoriza "Hybrid Risk Adjustment for Pharmaceutical Benefits". Economics Working Paper 1139.Working Paper nº 63 . Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

M. Carreras, Manuel García-Goñi, Pere Ibern, J. Coderch, L. Vall-Llosera and José María Inoriza "Estimates of patient costs related with population morbidity: can indirect costs affect the results?". Economics Working Paper 1139. Working Paper nº 62 . Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Jose Luis Pinto Prades "Trying to estimate a monetary value for the QALY". Working Paper nº 61 . Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Claudia Desogus "Antitrust issues in the European pharmaceutical market: an economic analysis of recent cases on parallel trade"Working Paper nº 60 . Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).


Ortún V, González López-Valcárcel B, Barber P. "Determinantes de las retribuciones médicas." Medicina Clínica 2008; 131 (5): 180-183. [Download

Mota DM, Carlos da Silva MG, Sudo EC, Ortún V. "Uso racional de medicamentos: uma abordagem econômica para tomada de decisôes." Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 2008; 13(Sup): 589-601. [Download]

Domingo C, Ortún V. "Design and analysis of health products and services: An example of a specialized COPD unit." The Open Respiratory Journal 2008; 2: 7-15. [Download]

Ortún V. "El impacto de los medicamentos en el bienestar." Gaceta Sanitaria 2008; 22 (Supl 1):111-7. [Download]

Ángel López, Arántzazu Viudes de Velasco "El control del tabaquismo desde la perspectiva de la Economía"Working Paper nº 59. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Manuel García-Goñi, Pere Ibern , José María Ironiza "Population based resource allocation: the use of hybrid risk adjustment". Economics Working Paper 1078. Working Paper nº 58 .Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Manuel García-Goñi, Pere Ibern "Predictability of drug expenditures: an application using morbidity data".Economics Working Paper 977. Working Paper nº 57 .Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Jaume Puig-Junoy, Jaime Pinilla "Why Are Some Spanish Regions So Much More Efficient Than Others?". Economics Working Paper 1067. Working Paper nº 56 .Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).


Gérvas J, Ortún V, Palomo L, Ripoll MA. "Incentivos en Atención Primaria: De la contención del gasto a la salud de la población." Revista Española de Salud Pública 2007; 81 (6): 589-596. [Download]. 

Ortún V. "Los incentivos para la mejora de la calidad en los servicios de salud." Rev Calidad Asistencial 2007; 22(1): 1-6. [Download]

Ortún V. "Salud Pública: A la política rogando y con el mazo dando (en los servicios sanitarios)." Gaceta Sanitaria2007; 21(6): 485-489.[Download]

Guillem López, Ana Mosterin "The Drift of Public Spending towards the Elderly: A Generational Analysis of the Trend of Public Policies in Spain".Economics Working Paper 1051. Working Paper nº 55. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Jaume Puig Junoy, Iván Moreno Torres."Impact of Pharmaceutical Prior Authorisation Policies: A Systematic Review of the Literature".Working Paper nº 54. Center for Research in Health and Economics(CRES).[Published in: Pharmacoeconomics 2007; 25 (8): 637-648].

David Casado, Pilar García Gómez and Ángel López "Informal care and labour force participation among middle-aged women in Spain".Economics Working Paper 1023. Working Paper nº 53 .Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Iván Moreno Torres, Jaume Puig and Joan-Ramon Borrell-Arqué "Generic entry into a regulated pharmaceutical market".Economics Working Paper 1014. Working Paper nº 52. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).


Ortún Rubio V. "Mejor (servicio) siempre es más (salud)." Revista Española de Salud Pública 2006; 80 (1): 1-4.[Download].

Domingo C, Ortún Rubio V. "Urgencias hospitalarias o el colapso crónico." Archivos de Bronconeumología 2006; 42 (6): 257-9. [Download]

Palomo L, Márquez S, Ortún V, Benavides FG. "Modelos de enfermedad en el mundo desarrollado." Gaceta Sanitaria2006; 20 (Supl 1): 2-9. Modelos de enfermedad en el mundo desarrollado. [Download]

Palomo L, Ortún V, Benavides FG, Márquez S. "La salud pública frente a los efectos secundarios del progreso." Gaceta Sanitaria 2006; 20 (Supl 1): 209-21[Download]

Ortún V. "Comercio y salud." Gaceta Sanitaria 2006; 20(3): 175-177. [Download] 

Ortún V. "De la evaluación a la gestión: Acortar la brecha entre eficacia y efectividad." Ekonomiaz 2006; nº 60: 58-75. [Download]

Ortún V. "Desempeño y deseabilidad del sistema sanitario: España." Revista Asturiana de Economía 2006; 35: 23-43. [Download

Guillem López, David McDaid and Joan Costa-Font "Health Care Management Autonomy: Evidence from the Catalonian Hospital Sector in a Decentralised Spain".[Published in: Journal of Public Management, forthcoming].Economics Working Paper 993. Working Paper nº 51. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Guillem López "Organisational Innovations and Health Care Decentralisation: A Perspective from Spain".[Published in: Journal of Health Economics, Policy and Law, forthcoming].Economics Working Paper 984Working Paper nº 50. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

López- Casasnovas, G. Mosterín, A. El gasto social ante la evolución demográfica: El papel de las políticas públicas en la redistribución intergeneracional. Algunas referencias específicas a la realidad de Cataluña. Economics Working Paper 983.

Vicente Ortún and Ricard Meneu de Guillerna "The Impact of Economics on Health Policy and Management in Spain".[Published in: Revista Española de Salud Pública 2006; 80(5): 479-92].Economics Working Paper 978. Working Paper nº 49.Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).  


Jaume Puig "The Impact of Generic Reference Pricing Interventions in the Statin Market". Economics Working Paper 906.Working Paper nº 48. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES). [Spanish version]

Pilar García Gómez, Guillem López "Hypothesis on immigration and welfare". Economics Working Paper 905. Working Paper nº 4 7. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Guillem López "La evaluación del gasto sanitario en España en sus niveles y determinantes". Economics Working Paper 810.Working Paper nº 46. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Beatriz González López-Valcárcel, Anselmo López Cabañas, Antonio Cabeza Mora, José Antonio Díaz Berenguer, Vicente Ortún and Fayna Álamo Santana "Estudios de Utilización de Medicamentos y Registros de Datos en Atención Primaria". Economics Working Paper 809. Working Paper nº 45. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Vicente Ortún, Jaume Puig and María Callejón "Innovación en Medicamentos, Precios y Salud". Economics Working Paper 807. Working Paper nº 44. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).


Aleix Calveras and Juan José Ganuza "Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. Una Visión desde la Teoría Económica". Economics Working Paper 797. Working Paper nº 43. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Joan Costa and Jaume Puig "Regulatory Ambivalence and the Limitations of Pharmaceutical Policy in Spain". Economics Working Paper 762. Working Paper nº 42 . Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Pilar García Gómez and Ángel López "Socio-Economic Inequalities in Health in Catalonia". Economics Working Paper 758.Working Paper nº 41 . Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Pilar García Gómez and Ángel López "Regional Differences in Socio-Economic Health Inequalities in Spain". Economics Working Paper 757. Working Paper nº 40 . Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Pilar García Gómez and Ángel López "The Evolution of Socio-Economic Health inequalities in Spain: 1987-2001". Economics Working Paper 756. Working Paper nº 39 . Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Vicente Ortún "Patentes, regulación de precios e innovación en la industria farmacéutica". Economics Working Paper 754. Working Paper nº 38 . Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Vicente Ortún, Ricard Meneu and Salvador Peiró "El impacto de los servicios sanitarios sobre la salud". Economics Working Paper 752. Working Paper nº 37 . Center for Research in Health and Economics(CRES).

Guillem López "La gestión sanitaria: orientaciones a futuro para el cambio organizativo, del control y la financiación". Economics Working Paper 747. Working Paper nº 36 . Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Eugeni Garcia Alegre and Guillem López "The Effects of Poor Financial Information Systems on the Long Term Sustainability of Local Public Services. Empirical Evidence from the Catalan Municipalities". Economics Working Paper 746. Working Paper nº 35 . Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Guillem López, Joan Costa-Font and Ivan Planas "Diversity and Regional Inequalities: Assessing the Outcomes of the Spanish 'System of Health Care Services'". Economics Working Paper 745. Working Paper nº 34 . Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).


Jaume Puig and Vicente Ortún "Cost Efficiency in Primary Care Contracting: A Stochastic Frontier Cost Function Approach". Economics Working Paper 719. Working Paper nº33. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Jones, A, López Nicolás A. "Measurement and Explanation of Socioeconomic Inequality in Health with Longitudinal Data". Economics Working Paper 711. Working Paper nº32. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Merino, A "Demand for Pharmaceutical Drugs: A Choice Modelling Experiment". Economics Working Paper 704.Working Paper nº31. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Merino, A "Eliciting Consumers Preferences Using Stated Preference Discrete Choice Models: Contingent Ranking versus Choice Experiment". Economics Working Paper 705. Working Paper nº30. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Puig, J "Incentives and Pharmaceutical Reimbursement Reforms in Spain". Economics Working Paper 679. Working Paper nº29. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Bleichrodt H, Pinto JL and Abellán-Perpiñán JM "A Consistency Test of the Time Trade-Off". Economics Working Paper 676.Working Paper nº 28, Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).[Published In: Journal of Health Economics]


López-Nicolás A, Vera-Hernández M. "Are Tax Subsidies for Private Medical Insurance Self-financing? Evidence from a NHS Outpatient Microsimulation Model". Economics Working Paper 632.  Working Paper nºX. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Jones AM, López-Nicolás A. "The Importance of Individual Heterogeneity in the Decomposition of Measures of Socioeconomic Inequality in Health: An Approach Based on Quantile Regression". Economics Working Paper 626.Working Paper nºX. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).


Abellán JM, Pinto JL. "Testing the Descriptive Performance of the Rank-Dependent Utility in the Domain of Health Profiles". Economics Working Paper 551. Working Paper nº23. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

López-Casasnovas G, Sáez M. "A Multilevel Analysis on the Determinants of Regional Health Care Expenditure. A Note". Economics Working Paper 572.  Working Paper nºX. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

López-Nicolás A. "How Important are Tobacco Prices in the Propensity to Start and Quit Smoking? An Analysis of Smoking Histories from the Spanish National Health Survey". Economics Working Paper 548.  Working Paper nº20.Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Costa, J, Garcia, J "Demand for Private Health Insurance: Is there a Quality Gap?". Economics Working Paper 531.Working Paper nº19. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).


López-Nicolás A, Garcia J, López Casasnovas G and Puig-Junoy J. "¿Es posible reducir el gasto sanitario a través del subsidio a los seguros sanitarios privados ? La doble cobertura sanitaria en Catalunya. Estimación de patrones de utilización de servicios sanitarios y simulación de costes asociados a la asistencia...". Economics Working Paper 550. Working Paper nº22, Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Merino, M. "The Impact of the Reference Price System on the Pharmaceutical Market: A Theoretical Approach". Economics Working Paper 524. Working Paper nº18. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Ortún V and López Casasnovas G. "Financiación Capitativa, Articulación entre Niveles Asistenciales y Descentralización de las Organizaciones Sanitarias". Economics Working Paper 523.  Working Paper nº17. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES). [Published In: Documentos de Trabajo 3, Fundación BBVA, 2002]

López Casasnovas, G. " Financement et Autonomie Fiscale de la Catalogne: Deux Décénnies de Problèmes non Résolus". Economics Working Paper 479. Working Paper nº16. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Cuadras X, Pinto JL and Abellán JM. "Equity Considerations in Health Care: An Axiomatic Bargaining Approach". Economics Working Paper 479. Working Paper nº15. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

Rodríguez E, Pinto JL. "The Social Value of Health Programs: Is Age a Relevant Factor?". Economics Working Paper 473.Working Paper nº14. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES). [Published In: Health Economics]

Rodríguez E, Pinto JL. "The Significance of Distributive Effects in Social Assessment of Health Care". Economics Working Paper 472.   Working Paper nº13. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).  

Bleichrodt H, Pinto JL. "An Experimental Test of Loss Aversion and Scale Compatibility". Economics Working Paper 467.  Working Paper nº12. Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).  

Puig J, Argilés JM. "Measuring and Explaining Farm Inefficiency in a Panel Data Set of Mixed Farms". Economics Working Paper 503. Working Paper nºX. Center for Research in Health and Economics(CRES).


Puig-Junoy J. "Radial Measures of Public Services Deficit for Regional Allocation of Public Funds". Economics Working Paper 439. Working Paper nº 11, Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

López-Casasnovas G. "La capitación en la financiación territorial de los servicios públicos transferidos: El caso de la sanidad y de la educación". Economics Working Paper 399. Working Paper nº 10, Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

López-Casasnovas G i Puig-Junoy J. "Review of the Literature on Reference Pricing". Economics Working Paper 362.Working Paper nº 9, Center for Research in Health and Economics (CRES).

D'altra banda, el CRES, amb el finançament de la Fundación BBV, ha estat present en la publicació d'alguns dels documents de treball de l'esmentada institució. Els treballs publicats a l'exercici 1999 es troben als Documentos de trabajo de la Fundación BBVA i són els següents:

  • Ibern P i Murillo C. "Posibilidades y Limites de la transferencia de riesgo a intermediarios en el sector salud". .
  • Sáez M i Barceló MA. "Análisis de las incidencias de las ausencias del trabajo en dos cohortes de trabajadores de transporte urbano". 
  • Sáez M i Barceló MA. "Una revisión del análisis económico de la incidencia de las ausencias del trabajo". 
  • Puig-Junoy J. "Ineficiencia Técnica y asignativa en la producción hospitalaria: Una aplicación AED-AR".