The cooperative learning technique known as the puzzle or jigsaw technique promotes learning and motivates students, making it possible to share a great quantity of information within the group.

The class is divided into small groups of five or six students. Each group learns about a certain aspect or element of a topic, and must become specialized in that theme. Within the group of experts, the students must investigate together in order to create a document in which all collaborate. Moreover, each student is responsible for teaching the content he or she has researched. New groups are created from the original groups of experts. The task of each expert is to teach the content to the members of his or her group. Once all the experts have presented the content they must demonstrate what they have learnt through an essay, exam or presentation.

Just like a jigsaw puzzle, each piece (each student) is essential in order to reach the final objective, the creation of a product. In this way, the technique requires the positive interdependence of the group members. No member of the group can achieve the final goal if the other members of the group do not also achieve it.

In this manner, cooperative work and shared group responsibility for achieving the final objective is reinforced.


Tools/ Free access platforms

Integrative Learning Design Environment (ILDE). Consulta la web de ILDE aquí 


Bibliography regarding this methodology la methodology

ARONSON, E. (2000-2009). Jigsaw Classroom. Click here


Examples of implementation of this methodology

AA.VV. (2006). Experiencia de aprendizaje cooperativo tipo puzzle en la asignatura electrónica de potencia.

ANGUAS, J.; DÍAZ, L.; GALLEGO, I.; LAVADO, C.; REYES, A.; RODRÍGUEZ, E.; KANAPATHIPILLAI, S.; SANTAMARÍA, E., VALERO, M. (2006). La técnica del Puzzle al servicio del aprendizaje de la programación de ordenadores. Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI).

NATARAJAN, S. (2004). Collaborative learning in an operating systems course: an experience report. 34 th Annual Frontiers in Education, vol.3, pp. 7-12.

SANABRIA, E.; CONEJERO, J.A.; CAMP, S. (s.d.). Organización del trabajo en equipo mediante la técnica del puzzle de Aronson.

HERNÁNDEZ- LEO, D; ASENSIO- PÉREZ, J.I; DIMITRIADIS, Y. (2006). Collaborative learning strategies and scenario-based activities for understanding network protocols Proceedings of the 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, S2F, FIE, 19-24, San Diego, CA, October 2006. Click here

HERNÁNDEZ-LEO, D.; ASENSIO-PEREZ, J.I.; DERNTL, M., PRIETO, L.P.; CHACÓN, J.; ILDE: Community Environment for Conceptualizing, Authoring and Deploying Learning Activities. In: Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2014, Graz, Austria, September 2014, pp. 490-493.

MANATUHUNGA, K., & HERNÁNDEZ-LEO, D. PyramidApp: Scalable Method Enabling Collaboration in the Classroom. In proceedings of 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, France, September 2016, pp. 422-427.