UPF Electronic Resources
- University Pompeu Fabra. UPF Teaching and Learning Guide. This guide offers the UPF Research and Teaching Staff Service (PDI) the information resources related to teaching, learning, teaching innovation and education quality. Among the general resources, there is access to data bases, e-books, e-magazines, and e-dictionaries. Regarding topic resources, the range of access is more varied: teaching activity, learning, educational evaluation, educational design, European Higher Education Area (EHEA), methodology, educational psychology, educational quality and technology. This guide is the result of the collaboration between the Teaching Quality and Innovation Centre (CQUID) and the Library in the instructional field of the PDI, the teaching innovation or the selection and acquisition of information resources about teaching. Click on the link to access the guide: http://guiesbibtic.upf.edu/docencia
- Administration Documents from Universitat Pompeu Fabra: establishes the necessary models to write the eighteen administrative documents most common at University. Click here for more information.
- Style book from Universitat Pompeu Fabra: establishes the linguistic criteria to follow in the administrative and institutional documentation at University. Click here for more information.
- New guide about copyright and teaching' resources: it contains the procedures' details about how to use documents made by others to create own teaching resources respecting the intellectual property. Click here for further information.
This is a bilingual University Glossary Catalan <-> English which collects a thousand generic terms of academic and university level (such as long degree, degree, formal education, blended learning, problem-based or free elective subject, among many others), with its translation to English. The searching can be done from both Catalan and English, alphabetically or by blocks with the help of advanced seeker. The proposed translations are forms that have been considered more appropriate and that are therefore used primarily in administrative and institutional areas of our University. Check it here.