A poster is a communication strategy which enables a clear and concise presentation of ideas, studies, projects and experiences by means of a visual, appealing and interactive presentation of the information. This technique for the presentation of information entails a set of benefits and disadvantages in comparison to other communication strategies. On the one hand, it enables a major flexibility and more interaction (faster content analysis), saves space, and involves a transmission of information more effective than with other strategies. On the other hand, not all the information can be presented in this format since its preparation requires more time. The use of the poster in university teaching enables the introduction of professional and scientific world to students, introducing them to communication and presentation of ideas.


Bibliografy regarding this methodology

ECOURBAN – Educación para la sostenibilidad y Nuevas Tecnologías (s.f.). El póster, una forma de presentación eficaz en un congreso de Jóvenes Científicos.

ERREN, T.C. & BOURNE, P.E. (2007). Ten simple rules for a good poster presentation. PLoS Comput Biol 3 (5). 

JARA, E. (2000). Presentación de trabajos científicos en cartel o póster. Revista Cubana Médica General Integrada, 16 (4).

MATTHEWS, D.L. (1990). The scientific poster: Guidelines for effective visual communication. Technical Communication. Third Quarter, pp. 225-232.


Examples of the implementation of this methodology

JAÉN, C. y HERVADA, C. (2005). Una nueva experiencia docente en el desarrollo de proyectos electrónicos. XI Jornades de Conferències d’Enginyeria Electrònica del Campus de Terrassa, 10 de novembre de 2005. 

JOHNSON, G. & GREEN, R. (2007). Undergraduate researchers and the poster sessions. Journal of Instructional Psychology, v.34, nº 2, pp. 117-119. 

MONTÚFAR-CHAVEZNAVA, R.; ALI YOUSUF, M. & CALEDALS, I. (2008). Poster sessions as a strategy to motivate engineering learning. ICEE International Conference on Engineering Education “New challenges in Engineering Education and Research in the 21st Century”, 27-31 de juliol de 2008, Pécs-Budapest.

PUEO, B.; ROMÁ, M.; SELVA, J.; ESCOLANO, J.; NAVARRO, J.M. (2009). Estrategias de docencia en asignaturas de alto contenido tecnológico. VII Jornades de Xarxes d’Investigació en Docència Universitària. La Qualitat del Procés d’ensenyança/aprenentatge universitari des de la perspectiva del canvi.