Back Study first Graduate class in Biomedical Engineering @ UPF

Study first Graduate class in Biomedical Engineering @ UPF



Following the same line as ICT Degrees of Engineering@UPF, the Teaching Quality and Innovation Support Unit completed a study about the First Graduate class in Biomedical Engineering (2011-2015 graduating class).

The study covered three aspects: academic, personal, and professional/plans of future. 72% of graduates (10/14) participated in the study. Half of them are women and the other half men.















From the results it can be seen that, among the general competences that participants perceive as the most developed, the ones that stand out are: the ability to communicate properly in writing and speaking format in front of audiences both expert and inexperienced in English (4,6/5), working in teams (4,3/5), the ability to organize and plan, autonomy and decision making ability and the ability to communicate properly in writing and speaking format in front of audiences both expert and inexperienced using both Catalan and Spanish, all these three cases with a score of 4,2/5.

The Bachelors Final Project was an element especially well valued in both quantitative and qualitative questions related both with the academic management and the learning opportunities. In the same line, it should be pointed out the value attributed to the learning and use of English along the degree, obtaining the highest scores (4,8/5 and 5/5 respectively).

About activities/experiences in which students have participated, it should be highlighted their participation on the ERASMUS program (4,6/5) and the participation in DTIC research activities (3,8/5). 60% of participants imagine themselves doing research in two years time.



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