Back Study third Graduate class in ICT Engineering @ UPF

Study third Graduate class in ICT Engineering @ UPF



The Engineering@UPF Teaching Quality and Innovation Support Unit completed a study about the Third Graduate class in ICT Engineering: Bachelor's Degree in Audiovisual Systems Engineering, Bachelor's degree in Computer Sciences and Bachelor's degree in Telematics Engineering: class of 2011-2015 (here the study about the first graduate class and here about the second).

The study covered three aspects: academic, personal, and professional / plans for the future. Almost 53% of students took part in the study.

From the results it can be seen that, among the general competences that participants perceive as those developed at the highest levels, the ones that stand out are: the ability to organize and plan (3,84/5), work in teams (4,02/5), autonomy and decision making (3,84/5) and the ability to communicate properly in writing and speaking format in front of expert/inexperienced audiences in Catalan and Spanish (3,8/5).

The Bachelors Final Project (BFP) was an element especially well valued by Graduate class in previous editions, but is in this third edition in which it takes the highest value by students (4/5) in aspects relating to both academic management and the acquired learning. The satisfaction with teaching and resources available are also elements especially well considered, in both cases with 3,9/5. The positive role of external internships is highlighted as in previous cohortsErasmus mobility receives an increase in students’ ratings in almost 0,5 points acquiring an average score of 4,25/5. Students also pointed out their participation in DTIC research activities (3,77/5).

In this edition of the study, 22,45% of participants are continuing with their training in postgraduate studies (in last edition this percentage was 11,1%).

Almost an 84% of the graduates completed an internship before completing their degree, and the 85,7% of the participants were working when this study was made, all cases in ICT Engineering-related jobs.



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