Back Course about the Moore Collaborative Method

Course about the Moore Collaborative Method

On June 25th, 2013 from 12h to 14h (room 52.329, Campus de la Comunicació) there will be a course about the experience of Francisco Gómez, professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, with title El método Moore colaborativo en asignaturas de matemáticas.


On June 25th, 2013 from 12h to 14h (room 52.329, Campus de la Comunicació) there will be a course about the experience of Francisco Gómez, professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, with title El método Moore colaborativo en asignaturas de matemáticas.

Click here if you want to know more about Moore Method. For more information about the course and inscriptions consult CQUID Intranet.



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