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Would you like to know what USQUID did during 2013?

USQUID-ESUP keeps working to improve the teaching quality of the School as well as to promote and support the innovation actions carried out by the ESUP faculty as well as the USQUID. 


USQUID-ESUP keeps working to improve the teaching quality of the School as well as to promote and support the innovation actions carried out by the ESUP faculty as well as the USQUID. The Unit consists of Davinia Hernández-Leo (director), Verónica Moreno Oliver (educator) and support staff both computer support and educational support, and it has just published a report available for the ESUP faculty on their webpage (USQUID Web) with the main actions carried out during 2013.

The USQUID-ESUP offers faculty support to the DTIC/ESUP both on the design of teaching initiatives and its development and assessment.

If you access our online space, specifically on the projects section, you will be able to consult the different initiatives in which we have participated during 2013.

In addition, we want to point out some modifications on the USQUID-ESUP Web, such as the resources. During 2013 a new blog named educational resources has been started addressed especially to the School student body; the blog incorporates educational videos and information about the English Aula Global, among other resources. Along with these lines, the teaching resources blog has also been modified, becoming "faculty resources", in which you can find tools like Teacher's Guide to monitoring and assessment for BFP as well as basic information directed to newcomer teachers to the ESUP among others.

During 2013 the USQUID-ESUP web got 35682 views, 2300 of which were from Barcelona, the rest were from several cities worldwide! As usual from past years analyses, the most visited sections are the ones containing methodological strategies as a teaching resource, followed by the USQUI-ESUP publications.

We would like to place an emphasis on the use and the consulting of the Teacher's Guide to monitoring and assessment for BFP, (available both on the UPF e-Repositori and for its online version), we would also like to point out that, since its publication (February 2013) it has gotten a total of 919 views on its online version and 998 downloads of the file available on the UPF online repository. We also celebrate the awarding of a UPF Social Council Prize of this Guide within the category of "Teaching Recognition during a degree" (2013 announcement).

Regarding the participation of the USQUID on the organization of training sessions/workshops, we would like to point out the "Workshop Teacher-Led Inquiry and Learning Design: The Virtuous Circle", based in France and held during January 2013, and the course "El método Moore colaborativo en asignaturas de matemáticas" which took place in June.

In relation to the broadcasting of the USQUID works during 2013, the participation on several Teaching Innovation Meetings and Conferences stand out, such: III Jornadas de Innovación Educativa en Ingeniería Telemática (Granada, October 2013), Jornada de la Red Estatal de Docencia Universitaria (Madrid, January 2013) as well as the publication on Revista de Docencia Universitaria. REDU(November 2013). Both these and the rest of publications are available on the USQUID-ESUP Web.



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