Back Jornada d'Innovació Docent a l'ESUP

Jornada d'Innovació Docent a l'ESUP

The USQUID-ESUP has organized a Symposium about Teaching Innovation at ESUP that will take place on March 14th from 9:45 to 15:00, room 55.410 (Tanger Building). 



The USQUID-ESUP has organized a Symposium about Teaching Innovation at ESUP that will take place on March 14th from 9:45 to 15:00, room 55.410 (Tanger Building). It aims to provide an informal space in which different professors from the ESUP will share teaching experiences with attendees.

Attendees can come and leave the room anytime they want and contribute to the elaboration of thematic posters available on the walls of the room.




SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
