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Graduate class in ICT Engineering @ UPF (2014-2018)



As was the case in previous years, the Teaching Quality and Innovation Support Unit at the UPF School of Engineering has conducted a study on graduates in the different ITC Engineering degrees (2014-2018).

The participation has been similar in the three ITC degrees. Specifically, the participation rate in each degree has been as follows: 31,8%, the bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering; 31,8%, the bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Systems Engineering; and 36,4%, the bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications Engineering. Regarding gender, 81,8% of the respondents were men, and 18,2% of them were women. The respondents’ average age was 25,4 years, and 86,4% of them were working when the data were collected, performing tasks related to programming/consulting (15,8%), systems engineering (10,6%), and mobile applications (10,6%), among others. In earlier editions of the study, the tasks were more frequently related to programming (please find the summaries of previous editions in the news section of this web).

Out of 22 answers, 72,7% of the respondents said that they worked throughout their degree, yet not during all the years, while 9,1% of them said they did work throughout all the degree. When asked to what extent the job they took during their degree was related to their formation, the answer was quite clear: almost 93% said that their job was related to the degree — they were either working in private companies in the ICT field, either taking internships at the UPF or somewhere else.

Regarding the competencies that the graduates perceive as more integrated and achieved, the following were highlighted: “ability to recognise and understand diversity, multiculturality and non-discrimination on the grounds of gender” (average rating: 5/5) and “professional ethics” (average rating: 4,5/5). The mode was 5/5 in both cases.

The survey also includes a list of academic and organization aspects, which the respondents rated depending on their level of satisfaction. This year, the best-rated aspects have been the following ones: “The (4-year) teaching programme is coherent”, “I found appropriate both the teaching times and the distribution of the lectures, seminars and practical sessions”, “On the whole, I am satisfied with teaching”, “Poblenou Campus provided me with the resources I needed (venues, computing equipment, etc.) to pursue my degree satisfactorily”, “The TFG (final year dissertation) allowed me to develop competencies in an integrated way”, and “Taking subjects taught in English has proved a positive experience.” The average rate for all of the aspects was 4/5.

Some strong points that the students highlighted of their formation were self-management and self-criticism, research, teamwork, problem-solving and organization. Among the specific competencies, they highlighted proficiency in TIC and deep insight into business knowledge. Last, they highlighted other elements such as internships, project management, teachers, the global vision they got from their formation, the supervisions, the optional subjects, and the university venues and services.

Finally, concerning professional prospects within two years, 56,52% of the respondents imagined themselves working in a private company, 17,39% starting or working in their own business, and 17,39 pursuing further education.




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